a pawn in his game

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Characters: Kai Parker x Reader, Liv Parker, their father

Warnings: just fluff, minor angst

Summary: Kai would do anything to protect you, and if that includes hurting his own family to do it, then so be it.


"How long do I have to stay in this house?" you quietly asked your boyfriend, rubbing your nose against his cheek in affection. Your legs were draped over his lap, and his arms were around your waist.

"Soon, I promise. It won't be long now," Kai muttered, slanting his lips against yours. Most people thought of him as a monster, but he was just defensive. Yes, you knew what he did to his family, but it wasn't as if they didn't have it coming for them. Kai was a normal kid, he was just abused by his family because he was different. You knew a little something about that.

You could spend all day in his lap, kissing him, but you knew that something would prevent that from happening.

"Stay with me then," you whispered. "We can stay like this all day."

"That's tempting, but I have to get the rest of the ingredients for the spell. Once I have that, you can leave the house. You can go anywhere you want to go."

"This whole town is littered with vampires. My friends. They've taken down witches before."

"This is a whole coven. They'll sense them coming from a mile away. Once the spell is done, you'll be masked from them, and we can go anywhere you want."

"Fine, but hurry back. I get bored without you here. I don't know how you did it in the prison world."

"Trust me, I don't know either," he chuckled as he moved you off him. He left you on the couch as he shrugged on his jacket, getting ready for today's events.

"Be safe out there," you said as he reached the door to your safe house. He looked at you over his shoulder, gave you a smile, before leaving the house. He picked this location because it was just out of reach from his coven's area, but he'd feel better once the spell is complete, knowing that they could never find you.

When his family put him in his own personal prison, never did he think he would find love, much less a way out of his hell. When he got back to the real world, he had one goal and that was to kill the rest of his family. He was going after Liv when he met you. You were working at the bar when he came in, and for a moment, he forgot why he even entered the place.

He never planned on you sticking in his brain, worming your way through all the feelings he's hidden down. He may be a witch, but he couldn't have seen you coming even if you were a meteor heading straight to Earth.

That is what you were like to him, a meteor crashing into his mind, leaving your imprint. When you met him, you thought he was just another student attending Whitmore college. Due to your persisting nature, you got to know him a little bit before you had a talk with Jo and found out all about him. However, that didn't make you hate him. The fact that you came back to him told him you were something special.

It's with you that he can show his true colors because he knows you would never judge him. You've been through so much shit and done so much bad shit to be passing judgment onto others. It's why you got along with Kai in the first place.

Now, to others, he is a raging monster who only cares about himself, but to you, he is the complete opposite. He's smart, funny, kind, caring, and everything you wanted in a man. You got to see the Kai before he was put in the prison. His head has been through so much, you were lucky that he found a spot for you in it.

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