bittersweet blood

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Characters: Damon Salvatore x Reader, Klaus, Stefan, mentions of Elena and Caroline

Warnings: Angst with fluff at the end

Summary: You are a pawn in the beef between Klaus and Stefan. Klaus captures you and starts to starve you. You need Damon to save you before you end up doing something you regret. Can he?


You didn't know how long you've been locked up like some animal but you knew that when you got out, there will be hell to pay. You don't exactly remember how you got here, that part has been fuzzy ever since Klaus began starving you. You remember going to the Grill with Damon and having a good time at the bar.

You remember him leaving for a few minutes after Stefan showed up because of something Stefan did. Something about Klaus and his family and coffins. You weren't really sure since they left out of ear shot really quickly. You would have been able to hear what they were saying but the bar was packed and there was a live band which Stefan and Damon used to their advantage.

Even with vampire hearing, you couldn't hear them. However, while Damon was gone, Klaus showed up, you knew that much. You tried to remember what happened after he showed up. It was coming back to you in bits and pieces but never a full picture.

"Are you okay?" You asked Stefan as he grabbed his brother from you.

"Yeah, don't worry about anything. I just need to talk to my brother for a minute." Stefan nervously smiled.

"Okay." You watched both Salvatores get up and leave. You cupped your hand over your ear to try and listen to what they were talking about but there was so much noise going on, you couldn't get a clear hearing. You sighed and tried to drown out the talking, the music and the pool balls clanging together but you still couldn't hear. So much for that pristine vampire hearing.

"Boyfriend ditch you?" You looked to your left to see the hybrid making a home on the seat next to you.

"What are you doing here?" You weren't the biggest fan of Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons for that matter. The only one you really tolerated was Elijah and that was because you knew he was a man of his word. He could be scary sometimes but he was honorable.

"Can't I just have a drink and chit-chat?" Klaus smirked.

"No, you can't. What do you want? There's always something you want." You rolled your eyes and ordered another drink.

"Stefan took something of mine and refuses to give it back."

"Sounds like a you problem. I'm sure you're more than capable of getting it back." The bartender slid you another drink but Klaus stopped you. You looked into his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"I want them back and you're going to help me get them."

"How am I going to do that?" You scoffed and picked your drink up before downing it. You were so over this conversation.

"Don't worry about that, love," Klaus smirked and you glared at him before growing dizzy. You gasped and tried to get up but Klaus held your arm so you weren't going anywhere.

"You fucking roofied me?" You groaned, the world getting blurrier and blurrier.

"If that's what you want to call it, yes," Klaus smirked. You wanted to fight back but your world was getting darker and darker and before you knew it, you couldn't move a muscle or see anything but darkness.

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