twenty five.

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as much as ten hated saying it, he needed him. the truth was, even if he lived alone since he was young, ten was broken by himself. everyday he longed for warmth next to him as he woke up in a broken home. he needed something next to him, he needed someone.

"you want me to stay?"

"no- I'm sorry you can go."

"well then, I'm not leaving."


"come on, see, there's enough space for like 10 people!"

"are you sure you want this? you're an idol!"

"idol who? anyways sm has given up on yelling at me, I'm on month break anyways"

"don't waste your break here! go home!"

"I want to make sure you're okay."

"johnny, please go home. I love you so much but I can't hurt you. I have work soon, okay?"

"tennie, you're not hurting me. I want to be here! Also, you're not going to work- Ten?"

ten fell to the ground, his body burnt out, johnny stood over him puzzled, clutching the small boy he felt his heart ache. he called for help, someone he cared about limp in his very arms

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