thirty nine.

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"tennie, I brought you something."

"johnny, you came back."

"why would I just leave?"

"I don't know, I was scared."

johnny now knew that he would have to try harder if he wanted to fix this shattered boy, he knew he would have to be there for him always, never leave, be his heart, be his star. ten thought he didn't deserve that from someone as good as Johnny. ten was scared, he was scared that he wasn't enough for Johnny, he though he was too much as well, he understood he could never be perfect for him, ten knew that johnnys heart belonged to another, he wasn't just ten's heart, but other peoples loves, he wasn't just tens usual visitor, but an inspiration to thousands around the world. Ten knew that Johnny could never be his, and his only.

"here, I brought you macdonalds!"

"oh you don't have to I really said I'm okay-"

"you're eating this even if I have to stay all day."

"can you stay all day?"

"you want me to?"

"why wouldn't I?"

"but you said earlier that you wanted me to go"

"I'm kidding, if you really want to go then go ahead, just text me when I need to pay you back for anything."

"Well, even if you were kidding I'm staying. I'll chain myself to this bed if I have too."

"I mean you don't have much day left it's already almost 7pm."

"well then here, I'm sleeping here tonight."

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