Kurapika: The Protector

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Kurapika's POV

Today, the Gordon family will be visiting Mr Nostrade. They are his close friends and Neon-sama also gets along very well with them, especially with the youngest daughter of the family. They're not just any family though, they are descendants of a royal family.

Lunch took place when the family arrived. There was the eldest, Reishu Gordon—now Mrs. Riley—and her husband, Jack Riley. The second one is a Gourmet Hunter, Nathan Gordon, then there's the youngest, Nira Gordon. I was seated across Nira and dared to lock eyes with her when our gazes caught each other. She looked so innocent and naive yet it feels like it's her facade.

At the end of the day, Mr. Nostrade informed me that I will be assigned to Nira as her new bodyguard. So I will be transferring to their home. As we prepared to leave, Neon-sama informed them with her usual enthusiastic way.

"You got yourself a nice guy right there, huh Nira?" Jack lightly elbowed Nira on her arm

"Jack!" She warned through clenched teeth, then looked at me "I am so sorry"

"I take no offense from it" I smiled at her reassuringly

She smiled in reply, then asked, "Kurapika, right?"

"Yes ma'am"

"No need to be formal, I'm not used to it even if a lot of our bodyguards and maids say that"

"I insist, but if it's alright with you, what about 'Milady'?" I suggested

She looked distantly at a direction, thinking about it, then she smiled "alright. I like it"

I took her hand and planted a light kiss on top, "Milady, then" I said. I don't know what got to me but I just felt like... I just wanted to do it. She looked at me with a slight surprised face and I could see shades of pink on her cheeks. I let go of her hand as soon as Mr Nostrade and Nathan were done talking, then we took our leave.

Nira's POV

I'm taking my shower just after we arrived, I was so exhausted. My body relaxed from the warm shower, but my mind is not as relaxed as my body once I remembered what Kurapika did. No one has kissed my hand before, I don't even allow other men to do that. He was the first, yet I didn't feel bad like how I would.

I finished my bath and wore my night dress and put a robe around me. I also put on a pair of doll shoes. I heard a knock on my door and I told the person to come in. It was Kurapika.

"Milady, Mr. Nathan asked me to inform you about the trip tomorrow"

"Already? I thought it would be next week" I walked to my balcony and opened the door to it, "care to join me?" I offered

"As you wish" Kurapika answered and followed me to the balcony.

We stayed there, feeling the breeze and inhaling the fresh air. I leaned on the rail of the balcony made of marble and decorated with hanging orchids on the outer side. Kurapika stood straight beside me.

Kurapika's POV

I feel very comfortable around her, but I try to keep my distance as not invade any personal space.

"What's your story?" She asked me after the silence

"Well... It's a long story, and I don't think you'd like to know"

"I guess I'll eventually find out"

"You won't, Milady"

"Hmm... Okay" She suddenly pulled herself up and stepped on top of the thick rail made of cement.

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