Chapter 2

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"Wake up, sleepyhead.' I heard someone tease me. Of course I recognized the voice. " Xander, shut up." I retorted as I got out of the car. We all walked into the Macy's together, our parents a few paces behind us. "Emmet, Emily stop for a second." I called quietly. They all stopped and turned to me. "Who wants to pair up with who?" I asked, not wanting to waste time. " I'll go with you." Xander smiled, his fangs barely peeping out just below his lip. " Alright then, let's get going."

The four of us tried to stick together, only branching off when either Xander or Emily found something that they wanted to look at. Even though I was supposed to be watching for Xander, I couldn't help looking at some clothes. I turned around to see if Xander was ready to move on to the next part of the store, but he wasn't there. " Xander! Xander! Where are you!" As soon as I started calling for him, he started walking towards me. From exactly where I had been looking a second before.

My urge to yell at him subsided as soon as I saw what he was holding in his hands. " Here," he said, handing me a low-cut tank top embellished with lace.  " I saw you looking at it and thought you would like it. I'll buy it for you." I regarded the top longingly, already picturing myself in it. I shook my head and handed it back. " I'm sorry. Winter's coming. I'd get cold." 

' It's alright. C'mon, we should meet up with the others." We walked most of the way back in silence. Relief washed over me when we met my brother  and Emily. "Tamara, come with me." she pleaded. " I want to show you something before we leave." 

"Okay." I sighed. I followed her through rows and rows of clothing racks. Stopping just outside the dressing room, she pulled a black dress off a nearby rack. "This is the dress you were born for." Made of silky, black material, the dress was strapless and sleek, falling about to the knees. Although it had a slight flair at the hemline, the rest looked like it would definitely manage some serious clinging.

" That is my dress." I admitted. I kept starring at it, wanting it so badly. Emily pulled out my size and held it out to me. " Try it on." I shook my head and started to put it back.  "Can't. It would compromise you. One cute dress isn't worth your grisly demise."

"Then we'll just get it without you trying it on." She bought the dress. As we made our trek back to the car, I kept trying to protest the dress, but Emily wouldn't take no for an answer.The sun had quickly gone down in the time that it took everyone to get back to the cars.

We rode home in a tired silence, our sleep schedules all messed up by the daylight trip. We all were drifting to sleep when the guardian that was driving slammed on breaks. I knew what was going on before the guardians even reacted.

The red eyes glaring at us from the headlights.

The chalky white skin.

We were surrounded by Strigoi.

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