Chapter Five

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I woke up to a blinding headache behind my eyes. I looked around and realized I was in one of the bus beds. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was....Oh god. The events from earlier hit me like a truck, adding to the headache that felt like my brain was stabbing itself repeatedly. Did I really get so plastered that I exposed one of my biggest secrets? That I cried in front of four men? What the fuck did we even drink last night? I managed to stumble out of the bed, without falling on my face, and made may way to the front of the bus where the rest of the guys were.

"Well look who it is." Vince's voice pierced my ears as I took a seat beside Nikki.

"You're a fucking hypocrite you know that?" Nikki told me. His voice was hard but his eyes showed me that he was joking.

"Oh bite me asshole."

"Here. You look like you need these." Mick handed me a bottle of water and some painkillers.

I gave him a smile before downing the medicine.

"What time is it?"

"11:00 pm. We'll be at the hotel in about three hours."

"Well wake me when we get there." I got up and stumbled back to the bed I had woken up in.

"Sure thing sleeping beauty." Vince laughed at me.

It seemed like only minutes had gone by when I felt a hand rubbing against my shoulder, stirring me awake.

"We're here Ness."

"Nik?" I opened my eyes, thankful that the headache from earlier was gone. Leaving me with a dull ache.

Nikki laughed a little, helping me sit up. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better actually."

"I'm glad. About earlier,-"

"Now isn't the time to discus that okay Nikki?"

"Yeah. Yeah okay."

"Hey Ness! You joining us?"

"Joining you where?" I asked Tommy.

"The strip club!"

"No thanks Tom. I think I've had enough drinks for one day. I'm just going to head up to the hotel and take a shower."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I think a shower will do me good. You guys go. Have some fun."

"In that case," Nikki hands me a room key. "you're bunking with me tonight."

"See you boys later!" I wave my hand as I exit the bus.

I made my way up to the room Nikki and I would be sharing and unlocked the door. Finding our luggage already in the room I quickly made my way to the bathroom and turned the shower on full blast. A shower was just what I needed. I let the hot was wash over me, relishing in the burning sensation it left on my skin. Today had been one fucked up day. Why had I let myself get so drunk? Why did I allow myself to spill my secrets about my brother and about my parents? My thoughts switched to my brother as I started washing my hair. Michael was an A+ student. Always the topic of family discussion, always the better sibling, always the one who could do no wrong. That never bothered me though. With me my brother showed his true self. Someone who was always afraid of disappointment. He felt the need to never disappoint our parents and whenever did. He came to me when he had nowhere else to turn and so did I. We were each others saviors. The year following his death was pure agony. With my parents blame forced upon me I had nowhere to go; no one to turn to. The one person who I could always turn to was dead. 

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