Chapter Two

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I rolled onto my back stretching my arms. They only got about half way up before a blinding pain went through my ribs and the events of last night came crashing down. "Shit shit shit!" I look around noticing i'm not back in my apartment but the apartment from last night. "Fuck me." I grumble as I slowly stand up and make my way over to a mirror. My lip was busted, I had a bruise along my right cheek bone, and there was a small cut just above my brow. I went to lift my shirt up to inspect my ribs before I heard voices coming from the other side of the door. 

"How do you know her?"

"I don't know. I had a drink with her before you pulled me away."

"So that's who you were going up against before snorting some with me?"

"Yeah Tom." Nikki's voice sounded worn out.

Wait a second. Tom? As in Tommy Lee? As in the drummer for Mötley Crüe? Well great. That must mean the entire Crüe is out there wondering why a beat up girl is passed out in their bedroom. 

"What's her name Nikki?"

"I think she said it was Vanessa?"

Typical men. Only here for a woman's body. That instantly reminds me of Tim and I quickly join the conversation. 

"Vanessa Morgan actually." I respond, stepping out into the living room.

"You're awake." Nikki stands up and I take in the scene around me. Each member of Mötley Crüe was there with a bruise or a cut of their own. I can't even begin to imagine how they think my face must look.

"So are you my knights in shinning armor?" 

"I suppose you could say that." The blonde, Vince, said.

"It was really all Nikki though." Tommy answered. 

"Oh?" I asked as I sat down on the seat next to Nikki. "So I guess I have you to thank then?"

"It was nothing. Nothing like a good fight to get the blood flowing." 

I raise my eyebrow at his attempt of a joke. "Well thank you." I look at him and then at everyone else in the room. "And thank you guys as well. I'm sorry you had to get hurt in the process though."

"Us? Look at you!" Vince motions to my face.

"Speaking of, does anyone have some Advil or a first aid kit?" 

"I don't know about a kit but i'm sure we can find a rag and some band-aids." Nikki get up in search of whatever he can find.

"I must look pretty bad huh?" 

"Nonsense." Vince lies.

"You just have a bit of blood and bruising...well everywhere." Tommy answers somewhat sheepishly. 

Nikki returns back with a wet rag, some band-aids, and a pack of ice. I inspect my ankle first which has a bit of gash.

"Can we ask what happened?" Vince asks.

"Well this," I motion to my ankle as I apply a band-aid, "is from your damn window."

"Tommy gives a laugh before responding. "Not your injuries exactly but-"

"Why we found you getting beat to a pulp." Micks voice suddenly fills the room. 

"I wouldn't say I was getting beat to a pulp but..." I try to avoid the question but it doesn't work.

"Vanessa." Nikki takes the rag from me and helps clean my face. "What happened?"

"Well the guy from last night, Tim, he's my boyfriend."

"That's your boyfriend?" Vince interrupts.

"Well I suppose not anymore. Now would you like me to finish?"

Vince looks down before muttering a somewhat coherent sorry.

"Now as I was saying. Tim has been my family for the past three years after my parents kicked me out." I could tell Vince was going to interrupt me again. "That's a story for another time accompanied by a whole lot of alcohol." That seemed to satisfy him. "Anyway, he was really sweet at first and the perfect boyfriend. Until he hit the part scene and became infatuated with drugs and booze. He'd come home most nights pissed off his ass demanding sex and if I didn't deliver he'd hit me. Sometimes he would hit me either way. Last night was no different except for that fact that he got caught." I shrug like it's no big deal, and frankly I didn't think it was. I thought i heard Mick mumble something i'm not sure. "Well thanks for the band-aids and ice." I handed the cloth back to Nikki. "And thank you all again for saving my ass. As well as for letting me stay here for the night."

"Well we couldn't just leave you on the streets." Vince looked at me.

"You were barely conscious." I smiled at Tommy, remembering he helped me inside.  

I stood up, stumbling a little but I managed to catch myself on the back of the chair. "I should get out out of your guys' hair. I've got work in a few anyway."

"Are you crazy?" Nikki stands up along with the rest.

"I've got to make money some how don't I?"

"Yeah but shouldn't you rest? I mean you can stand up without stumbling." Tommy looked like he was ready to argue the whole day away.

"I'm fine, see?" I let go of the chair and spun around only to quickly loose my balance. "Okay well maybe i'm not sober enough to be doing that but i'm fine other wise." A thought suddenly occurred to me. Why do care anyway?"

They all seemed to look at each other with a loss for words.

"Maybe it's because you treat us like actual human beings." Mick finally stood up.

"Micks right you know. Most people treat us like something they've never seen before, which fucking rocks, but it's nice to be treated normally for a change too ya know."

"Well it's not like you aren't that different from the the rest of us. We all have a background; all have a story. You four just chose to create your story through music."

"Damn girl! I like this one." Vince came over and wrapped and arm around my shoulder. "Why don't you come see us play tonight at the Whiskey?"

"Oh I don't know."

"It'll be fun!" Tommy coaxed.

"Plus you'd get a chance to see us again." Nikki Winked.

"Oh well how could I possible pass that up?"

"Come on Nessa."

I faltered as he said that, struck with a loss for words. .

"Is-is it okay if I call you that?"

"Yeah it's fine. I just haven't been called that since my brother...Since my brother died."

"Oh i'm so sorry. I don't have to-"

"No it's fine. I've missed it." I smile letting him know it's fine.

"So does this mean you'll come watch us play tonight?"

I pondered his question while looking at the band. "What the hell. I've got nothing else going on." And nowhere else to go.

As I walked out of the apartment I could seem to get the four band members out of my mind. How quickly all four of them had taken in someone they had never met before puzzled me to no end but they seemed like me and I wasn't about to say no.

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