Chapter Three

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The weeks seemed to fly by, surprisingly.

Seth and I had managed to make it through our first few weeks of senior year without too much trouble. But I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that that wouldn't be the case much longer. Call me a pessimist, but can you blame me? Ever since last year everything had changed. I had changed.

I use to believe that every action had an equal and opposite reaction, and that we were responsible for our own misfortunes. You know like karma? Thinking back on it now I can't believe how ignorant I must have sounded.  I don't believe that anymore. I believe that we are responsible for other people’s misfortune. I am responsible for his misfortune, it was my fault, I didn't stop it, I didn't realise. Now because of my stupid fucking ignorance, Seth has also changed.

Thoughts of the last year and of my brother had been on my mind lately. It's not like I didn't know why, it was the anniversary of that day in less than 5 days. The day that had ruined everything. Seth had been moping around a lot more than usual. Lately he wouldn't talk to me much, I reminded myself not to be too upset. Seth’s a selective mute, ever since last year. I am the only person he has been able to talk to and if I'm being honest, him not being able to talk to me scared me more than anything.

The one thing I wanted to do desperately was to go to Seth, hold him, and tell him that everything would be okay. That no one was ever going to lay another finger on him again, because I would protect him with everything I had. But our mother had asked me to allow Seth some "thinking time" and I hated going against what she said. I couldn't shake the thought that Seth needed me though, call it twin intuition or common sense, whatever the fuck you want, I just knew I had to do something.

It was a Saturday, so neither me or Seth had school, so I decided to give in to temptation and go and find him.

I looked in his room, no luck.

I looked in the kitchen, no luck.

I looked in the garden, no luck.

I ran upstairs and pushed the bathroom door open in one final attempt to find him. I just needed to hold him. To reassure him.

Finally I caught a glimpse of him. There he was, gazing at himself in the mirror I realised a second later that he was topless.

He turned to me and there it was, the last remaining evidence of what that monster had done to him. The massive ‘X’ shaped scar marring the flesh across his chest and stomach. Well, You know what they say, x marks the spot.



So hey guis!!! 

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been swamped with school work, damn exams -.-

SO, I realised I need some motivation and it has to come for you, I would love at least 5 comments and 10 votes on this chapter before I continue, I hate to ask but I really want more people to read this story, I love to write and want to share my work with others.

I put more in this chapter about Seth, believe me this story is going to only get more interesting (I hope) from here!!!

I've been overwhelmed with the support so far, over 500 reads!!!! That's crazy thank you so much!!!!! I will dedicate next chapter to whoever leaves the best comment!!!

Thanks again guys you're lovely!!!

Lurv Genie


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