t h r e e

252 11 1

hey jaemin

mind come over to my house right now?


why tho?

i just need someone to talk

and you were the first person that came through my mind

aw that's rare

like, really rArE

usually, you would call mark or jisung

but okay i guess

be there in ten minutes

ok, see u

yes babe

jeno knew for sure that what jaemin just said was just a joke. he often do that to many people because he just wanted to say that and there's no specific reason why he would say babe or honey or etc.

jeno didn't want to get his hopes up because he knew that jaemin is not serious calling him that. his heart did clenched when he read the message; it was either because of love or hurt.

saying that he didn't love jaemin would be a complete lie. he loved the caramel hair boy so much that he is willing to get hurt just to see jaemin happy and smile. he didn't care about himself, as long as jaemin is happy, smiling, and their friendship didn't crumble, he wouldn't mind being the one who's hurting, breaking, and dying inside.

he heaved a long sigh and before he know it, he heard a doorbell rang though out his house. the house was so quiet, only one owner currently in it and the rest were just maids. the elders haven't gone back home since— jeno didn't even remember the last time his parents came home just to eat dinner or just to see their son.

jeno quickly ran downstairs, almost tripping on its way to the front door. he opened the door and saw the most beautiful person he knows on earth, smiling while carrying a pack of food.

jeno's house was big but not that big to be called a mansion. his family is pretty humble and try not to look as if they spend so much money for their house. jeno think that it was pretty homey.

"i bought tteokbokki." jaemin said, giving his infamous smile that could melt every girl in this whole world. jeno unconsciously smiled back. he let jaemin into his house.

"you're two minutes late." jeno said as he lead the way upstairs as jaemin followed behind him.

"excuse me? i was buying you a snack and this is how you're treating me? my kokoro is hurteu." jaemin place his right that's not carrying anything to his chest, acting like his heart hurt from the older's words.

jeno chuckled, finding the younger look so cute while exaggerating the act that he's making. "you're exaggerating, dumbass."

they finally reached jeno's room. as jeno opened the door, he saw jaemin looked at his room. jaemin's eyes were about to fall off the floor.

"oh my god when was the last time you cleaned your room?" jaemin raised his voice a bit, completely in the state of disbelief. as he barged his way to the room, he looked around and looked at jeno with the "what the fuck" look written all over his face.

jeno scratched the back of his head, confused of how to explain this to jaemin who's pretty much loves everything nice and clean.

clothes were scattered every where, dirty clothes were mixed with the clean one, few cups of ramen in his desk, and don't remind him about few pieces of underwear laying on the chair.

"i guess, two months ago?" even jeno was not sure of what he said. the maids never touched his room because jeno told them to. he wanted to cleaned the room himself and didn't want any of the maids touched his belongings.

with this, jaemin placed the tteokbokki in jeno's desk and began cleaning the black haired male room. he first gathered all the clothes in one place and told jeno to just put all of them in the washing machine. jeno was agreeing to whatever jaemin was about to do because he knew that it's okay since it's jaemin.

when jeno was out of his room, jaemin began to clean the room from tossing all of the cup ramen to a trashbag that i-don't-even-know-where-did-he-get-that, to sweeping and even make up the bed.

as jeno arrived at his room, he found the room was all nice and tidy. it's not that clean to the point jaemin has to changed the bed covers or arrange the clothes in jeno's closet. but at least it looked decent and comfortable enough to sleep on.

"now that's better." jaemin putted his hands on his hips, and looked at jeno while smiling.

jeno can't help but smile back, grateful that jaemin is here, "thank you, nana."

"now now, what is that you want to talk about?" jaemin made his way to jeno's bed, laying his body after the hard work he put on cleaning the older's room.

jeno placed himself beside jaemin, sitting while looking at jaemin whose head was buried in jeno's pillow.

i never thought about it before but jeno smells really nice and masculine.

he must have used a fancy parfume considering he's pretty rich.

jaemin train of thoughts were cut off when jeno sighed for nth time of the day.

"i just want to talk about my crush."

this is long

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