Chapter Six

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(y/n)'s POV

I waved Chrissy goodbye as she drove away, mind still buzzing from today's events. After auditions I rarely hung out with anyone, too busy overthinking my performance and the role I'd get to just forget it and go hang out with a cute girl. A cute girl who, according to what I heard from Michael and Jeremy, was a lesbian and I knew could very plausibly like me. Not statistically, but who cared about math if they were gay, anyway?

I really just wanted to pass out and sleep for 48 hours, but that wouldn't do me too much good. Plus, Chrissy and I were gonna hang out here and practice songs tomorrow. I was struck by a need to clean my house and make sure it was at least decent for Chris. I ran into my room, throwing my backpack on the bed, which earned me a confused look from my older brother, Nick.

"What's got you in a rush?" He questioned half-heartedly, raising a brow. He was home from college for a week on fall break (since the professors all wanted one early in the year to "help freshmen adjust") and clearly not expecting me running around like the cat when she got excited.

"I have a friend coming over for a bit tomorrow, you know how Birth Giver is about the house being clean when we have guests," he gave me a look, as if to say, "I don't believe you but you live your life I guess" which was understandable. I normally put it off to the last minute.

"If you're weird in front of my friend, I'll have your intestines on a platter and serve them to Autumn." I finished the conversation, going back to the family room to tidy up cups and books scattered on the table. I wasn't keen on the idea of Chrissy seeing me as a huge slob the first time she came over. It sounded kind of like a nightmare for some odd reason. If she thought badly of me I might just have to feed myself to Autumn, the ever-hungry family cat.

Maybe it was because she was a neat person who wasn't fond of mess? Maybe I just wanted it to be clean so we wouldn't be stewing I'm trash while we practiced. Yeah, that was it, it was just for the sake of being clean. Not at all because I had a little crush on her and was scared of her finding me undesirable and rejecting me.

Nope, that was absolutely, positively, physically impossible. Just friends were all we'd remain until the end of our days, and I'd be perfectly happy with that. Because I did not like her at all.

I shook my head in attempt to clear the thoughts out of there. My last three brain cells really went off on tangents, I guess. I decided to go back to cleaning, this time in my room, which wasn't awful since I last cleaned it a couple weeks ago.

Dirty clothes strewn about on the floor, a messy desk with assignments, playbills, scripts, and drawings. That was mainly it, besides a couple cat toys and a metric fuckton of cat hair on the floor. I really needed to vacuum this place.

I got to picking up, organizing the desk by piling up the playbills, tucking scripts and old drawings into the desk, and putting assignments away into my backpack where I could turn them in. I felt good with the cleaning, it helped me clear my mind. Now to just pick up the discarded clothes.

Then I remembered.

I never got my Sincerely, Me hoodie back. Today I thought I misplaced it and wore my Heathers one. But I was supposed to get that back by the end of yesterday but it was never handed back. I decided to text Christine typing out "hey, did you forget to give me my hoodie?" and sending it without a second thought. I closed the conversation and flopped on my bed, honestly just ready for a nap.

I was drifting off into sleep, body only halfway on my comfy mattress, when a buzz sounded next to my head I looked up, grabbed my phone, and blinked while reading it.

Oh yeah! Sorry, completely blanked I'll bring it tomorrow! I'll be wearing it ;P

I grinned in satisfaction at getting my favorite hoodie back tomorrow. I softly took off my glasses and set them next to my phone, crawling up all the way onto the bed and snuggling into my fuzzy blanket.

Nap time was in order.

Christine's POV

I smiled down at my phone, grinning at the short conversation, feeling very gay. I sighed, giddiness flowing through my veins and out of my body, oozing out of me and leaving a soft joy behind. The joy buzzed through me, tingling and warm inside my belly.

I giggled a bit, just thinking of (y/n) and the hoodie and my master heist that I'd return tomorrow. I picked it up off the ground and held it close to my chest, inhaling. It smelled like (y/n), with cherry and vanilla and some flower I couldn't place (she had a wildflower perfume and a vanilla-cherry perfume but she couldn't choose between them so she wore them both together).

You would think it would be too much but the scents all complemented each other and mingled nicely into a concoction of sweetness.

I felt lonely all of a sudden, which was strange because my older sister was home. I decided I'd call Jeremy, he always knew how to start a conversation and keep it going.

I pulled up his contact in my phone, chuckling at the picture I set for him, which was him with a purple children's cape on, lined with fluff and only hitting a third of the way down his back. He was posing like a superhero, also wearing a silver plastic tiara.

I clicked to FaceTime him and waited, throwing the hoodie on my bed and sitting on my pillows. He answered after four rings, Dorito dust littering his freckled face.

"Hey, Chris. What's up?" He tilted his head to the side, reminding me of a puppy that wanted the bacon you were eating.

"I'm bored and lonely. Buuuuut, I'm hanging with (y/n) tomorrow!" I announced dramatically. His face lit up and he clapped his hands together.

"Chris, do you have a daaaaate?" He teased. My face went up in flames and I waved my free hand.

"No, not like that! We wanted to get a head start on harmonies and planning character dynamics and stuff! We're sure we're getting the parts, so why not?"

"Sure, hon. But you know you're gonna have to kiss her then, right?"

"Of course I know that! I just- I don't wanna think about it! Not right now, it's only gonna be a stage kiss. She's done those, I've done those, everything will go back to normal without kisses once the show ends anyway,"

"Not if I get any say in it,"

"You don't," I said flatly, rolling my eyes.

I heard a faint voice from the background and his head turned toward his doorway, probably seeing his dad because he angled the phone a bit more the opposite direction.

"Dad, you've gotten so much better at this so why when I'm talking to Chrissy? Go put on pants, I'll come out soon," he groaned. I stifled a little giggle and he turned to glare before facing his father again.

"Dinner?" I guessed. His family always ate early, so I wouldn't doubt it. He nodded.

"Call me after you're date and tell me everything!" He waved.

"It's not a-! And he hung up on me, fantastic." I grumbled, setting my phone down. I might as well make myself some toast, I figured, since Mom wouldn't be home for ages.

(1326 words)

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