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Eun rushed through the rain with her umbrella in her hand and papers in her other hand.

The wind was too much and she couldn't help but to release the papers out of her grip, which made all the papers fall onto the ground.

She tried to pick up the papers with her free hand but that didn't help, she was drenched from the rain as she let go of the umbrella to try and catch the papers.

The umbrella flew and she sighed, still trying to pick up the papers. All the papers scattered which made everything even harder, espiecally when it was all soaked.

Eun sighed heavily as she picked up the last of the papers. She turned back, about to get her umbrella when a man passed by and took it to cover himself while running away.

She yelled at him, telling him to come back but it was no use.

She sighed and sat under the bus stop shelter.

"I hate my life."


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