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I wake up to a less than gentle kick in the thigh.

My eyes snap open as I jolt awake, awakening Taehyung in the process of looking for my attacker. Min Yoongi scowls as he squints at us, clearly irritated, but really, when isn't he annoyed?

"There you are. Next time you need to sleep, do it in the on call room. Jimin was beginning to think Dr. Jeon killed you." Yoongi scolds sourly. "If Taehyung didn't feel the need to announce just how much he likes cock every four seconds, I would have assumed you hooked up in the stairwell and have multiple diseases now." He explains, and Taehyung lets out a groan and rubs his eyes.

"Hyung, your repression is showing." Taehyung groggily croaks as I rub my sore thigh and Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Listen, you little shithead." Yoongi snaps. "I was trying to be nice and come find you to tell you there's a huge trauma coming in. Passenger train hit a car." He says, and at this, Taehyung and I jump to our feet, stumbling but much more awake. Emergency trauma—something sick and twisted that surgeons aren't exactly excited for but that gives them an adrenaline rush like nothing else. Something we've only heard about from other doctors and seen awfully portrayed in medical dramas on TV, but now we finally get to experience it. "I won't bother next time, if you're gonna act like a little brat—"

"No, thank you! Thank you, Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung exclaims, throwing his arms around the elder in typical dramatic Taehyung fashion.

"You have five seconds to remove yourself from my person." Yoongi says, voice icy as always, but I don't miss the subtle blush that heats his cheeks.

"C'mon, Bong Soon!" Tae exclaims, and with that, we're running towards the emergency room, leaving the blushing Yoongi behind.


My blood thrums through my veins with energy, laced with both excitement and nerves. There's a kink in my neck from sleeping in the hall, but it's the last thing I'm worried about as Taehyung and I stand in yellow trauma gowns in the ambulance bay, waiting for them to bring the victims. The trauma must be huge, because not only is my entire surgical intern team here, but so are most the other residents. Even Chief Kim is here, and I'm trying not to freak out at the fact that I'm actually about to practice medicine next to a surgical God. The only person who isn't here seems to be—


There he is. Bossy as ever.

I glance to my left as Dr. Jeon pushes aside Hoseok and Jisoo, and then his shoulder brushes against mine as he stands in front of me. I feel Taehyung's hand grasp mine, and I squeeze it, knowing he's probably terrified that Dr. Jeon will say even more harsh words to him, but the second he turns around to face his intern group, I know he won't. The flame that lit his dark eyes earlier is absent, replaced by a sharp, precise focus. As much as I despise him, crisis situations really seem to be his prime environment.

"Listen up." He says, voice devoid of any arrogance or malice for once. "It's going to get really crazy in here really quickly. I need you to trust what you learned in med school, but I also need you not to do anything you're unsure of. We're short staffed, so there are currently fewer certified professionals in the ER than there are interns, so use their time wisely when asking them questions. Anything you know you can't handle, hand off to someone else. Hopefully there will be more simple procedures to do than complex ones, but don't count on it." He says, talking quickly, taking glances over his shoulder at the ambulance bay, mind clearly on the incoming patients.

The sound of sirens fills our ears, louder and more piercing as the ambulances approach. Dr. Jeon sighs, squaring his shoulders. "Please. Just try not to kill anyone." He says, and turns around.

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