Chapter 3

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I woke up to light shuffling around me. The last thing I remember was talking to Liam after Niall...

"Oh God!" I sob out as i sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands.

"'s okay. Everything's gonna  be okay."

It was Liam. As more sobs escaped my lips he pulled me into his embrace and held me tightly but it felt like he was trying not to squeeze too hard or I might just break.  Too bad I'm already broken.

"He's never coming b-back, i-is he?" I pull away to look up at him.

"I'm so sorry, Z. I really am." He said as a new wave of tears hit.

He pulled me back to his chest and we lied back down on the bed. As my cries died down too the occasional sob, he ran his fingers through my hair and hummed something to calm me down. I dunno how long we laid there or how long it took but eventually I fell asleep to the sound of Liam's heartbeat.


I dunno what time it was when I woke up the next time but I was cuddled up to Liam with his arm around my waist. He was still asleep so I got up as quietly as I could and padded to his kitchen. I wonder how he got me to his house and when, I thought to myself as I put on the kettle for coffee. I made me a cup and sat down at the counter, blankly staring at the rain hitting the window above the sink.

I put my cup in the sink and thought I'd make Liam and I some breakfast. It's the least I could do, I mean he basically just took me in and had been taking care of me for who knows how long. I'm sure I've had a few episodes that I don't remember now but God knows I was probably even more of a mess than I am now.

I decided on some eggs, hash browns, toast and bacon. Honestly it was the only thing I could make that was more intricate than cereal. Niall always used to make breakfast the moment he woke up. He really liked cooking and wanted to go for classes by the local community centre. He never really got the chance to go check it out.

As I was finishing up with the eggs, Liam walked in and sat down at the counter, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was only wearing sweats and had a wild bedhead. I don't even want to know how I look.

"Smells good. Is there some for me too?" He asked, looking at me with a ghost of a smile.

"Yeah, you're just in time. I was gonna wake you up the moment I was done." I said, pouring some juice into a glass and setting it down in front of him.

"This looks really good, Z."

I sat down across from him and we started eating. It's not as Niall's but it was better than I originally expected. We ate in a slightly uncomfortable silence for a little while until Liam broke it with a question I was dreading. It would only lead to a conversation I wasn't willing to have, not now at least.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm grand."

It was silent for a few seconds and I could see Liam was contemplating whether or not to continue this conversation. Much to my inconvenience, he did.

"What happened Zayn?"

"I don't wanna talk about this." I said as I stood up and put my dishes in the sink

"Not right now anyway." I said pulling on my shoes that were standing by the door.

I unlocked it and as I was about to leave I turned to look at him and said,

"Thanks for everything Liam but I need to be alone for a little while, okay?"

"Yeah, uh, sure, Z. Whatever makes you comfortable." He said, looking a little concerned but smiled none the less.

"Thanks again." I said as I turned around and pulled the door closed behind me.

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