Chapter 22: A trustworthy confident

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6 days later

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6 days later...


It's now official: I've become crazy. It's the only explanation. Otherwise, why would I be currently talking to a wolf, as if he was my new best friend? God, must I be lonely.

See, six days ago, a few hours after meeting Will at the supermarket, I had decided to go talk to Nour, to see if he knew something useful about my blackmailer. I also wanted to give these monsters the impression that I was actively trying to bring them Nour on a silver plate, because I had no doubt they were watching my every move and I couldn't stay home for too long, or they would get impatient.

So, as I obviously didn't have Nour's phone number, I went directly to his place. I was dreading meeting Rémy but he was absent and so was Nour. However, Matthias was there and, surprisingly, so was Oliver. Oliver told me that Nour ran to the forest after the two lovebirds had an argument and that Rémy went after him. 

Nope, I wasn't jalous and hurt thinking about how close these two were. Not at all. 

He also said that Nour went quite often to the forest, as he was a nature-lover and really found the company of trees to be quite relaxing. 

Trees? Really? 

To be honest, I couldn't picture Nour as a kind of hippie slash let's-go-hikking-now kind of man and I had to stiffle a laugh when Oliver unknowingly gave me precious information about Rémy's newest object of desire. However, I kept my thoughts to myself and instead thanked Oliver profusely, as the guy had been unexpectedly sweet and helpful. He did not even comment on my pitiful appearance - well, I had taken a shower before going to Nour's, as I didn't want a repeat of my meeting with Will at the market.

So, the next day, I had go to the forest in hopes of finding Nour. 

However, because life has a limited supply of good news, I hadn't found him. 

Instead, I had met... a wolf. 

A fucking giant grey wolf. 

I swear, wolves cannot be this big. Even now that I know this wolf is as sweet as a lamb, I am still amazed by his huge figure. 

Anyway: back to the story. 

So, I was sitting on a fallen tree, a bit exhausted after a few hours of trying to find Nour and furious against myself for losing precious time. Again. I was even starting to suspect it was Oliver's personal version of a prank and I was about to get up and go home, when the sound of a branch craking had made me turn around suddenly. 

A few meters behind me, a wolf was watching me with his little bright eyes. 

He wasn't moving, though, and I was so terrified that I had stayed motionless. 

After a while, the wolf eventually became bored and he sat down on the ground, even closing his eyes with a content expression. 

I had watched him closely for an additional five minutes or so, and then I tried how-so-slowly to walk away. 

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