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Update : to the very few people who like to express loud and clear their disappointment with the story: constructive comments are great and I'm all in favor of freedom of speech. However, please try to be sensible because while you only need 10 seconds to write comments such as « didn't like this/that », I spent many hours to write the book that you read for free.
Thank you in advance.

I dedicate this story to @Nanuq83 - the fact that you so spontaneously and so kindly offered to help moved me to no end.

Many thanks to @yukikoking_94 for the magnificient cover ! I'm very grateful, all your covers were beautiful and it was hard to pick one!

14 August 2050 - three days after Nour and Amine's mother death, at the local cemetry.

~Warning: Mention of the death of a relative.

It was common knowledge that Eva's youngest son was a spoiled brat, but no one thought he could be that insensitive. Not only had he not shed a single tear since his mother passed away three days ago, but he was eating, sleeping and all in all looking completely unaffected.

Now, as the small crowd of relatives was gathered in the Church, he even had the indelicacy to yawn a few times and look at his mobile phone, as if he could not wait for the ceremony to be over. Though what really bothered Amine was the fact the cold teen never showed any signs of sympathy or support to his father, who was completely devastated by the death of his beloved wife.

The eldest son could not find any rational explanation for his little brother's shocking behaviour. Nour loved his mother or at least, he never seemed to dislike her. When they had learned that she had cancer, he did the chores without complaining and even went to his mother's bedroom, where he spent hours talking with her.

When the priest suddenly motioned for Nour to come stand next to him and Amine, he did so obediently. With a quiver in his voice, Amine began:

"You shouldn't have died. I wasn't ready, nor were Nour and dad. I know I'm being selfish, your pain was too much for anyone to handle but now it's finally over. You are at peace. I know it, yet I still want you to be here with us. Why did you love us so much? I don't think we can manage without you. I can't believe I won't ever get the chance to talk to you again, to tell you about my dreams and my career plans. You will never meet my children. It's so unfair. You always looked so healthy to me. You never complained when you were feeling sick or had a headache, you always put up a brave front. When I was younger, I thought you were immortal. You had so much to give, but now you're gone. And they say you're in Heaven, but I want you to be home with us".

He started crying and felt the priest's comforting hand on his left shoulder. He looked up and made eye contact with Nour. His brother's face was expressionless but then, to Amine's utter disgust, Nour smirked. What did that smirk mean? Did it mean "You're such a wimp, acting like a crybaby in front of everyone?" Whatever this smirk meant, it shouldn't have appeared on Nour's face during such tragic circumstances.

That's enough, he decided. After all I'm the eldest, so it's my duty to tell my younger brother what I think of his behavior. Amine waited until they were home, then took his brother by the elbow and lead him to the garden.

"What's wrong with you?" Nour eventually asked.

"What's wrong with me? Are you for real? Why are you acting like a little bitch? Don't you care at all about mom's death?" Amine yelled, as the anger kept growing inside of him. He had planned to talk in a calm soothing manner but, apparently, that wasn't going to happen.

"What do you want me to say?" Nour retorted with a challenging tone. "Life's a bitch, then you die. I thought you already knew this."

Before Amine even had the time to think, his fist was colliding with Nour's chin, making him fall on the grass.

"Shit, I'm sorry - " he tried to appologize but his brother shrugged.

"Don't worry Amine, you hit like a girl - and you cry like one, too"

The instant anger that overwhelmed Amine was beyond what he could hold in. If it wasn't for their father putting a heavy hand on his shoulder, he would have jumped on Nour. Looking at them both, Amine walked away frustrated with his father in tow. As they stepped inside his father placed a hand on his chest to stop him, "Don't worry Amine," he said, "I know you're offended by your brothers behavior but he will come around eventually. Give him time. We all have different ways to cope with the death of a loved one."

Amine desperately wanted to believe his father was right. Little did he know that, ten years later, his younger brother would be a cold, robot-like person and unfortunately they would be forced to live together.

Okay, first of all, that was a very emotional first chapter and I hope nobody was too offended by the main character aka Nour's behaviour. Don't hate him too quickly, I am begging you. I think you'll gradually change your mind about him - well, I hope so anyways. I love him  already so don't be too harsh , okay? ;)

Most of the chapters will be from Nour's POV (first-person narration)

Also sending lots of love to all of those among you who have lost a relative, or know someone who is really ill.

Take care xoxo


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