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I could feel Sock nudging me, and I would open my eyes, still sleepy, and then I smelled what seemed like eggs, I was hungry, really hungry, I hadn't eaten anything sense yesterday night, though it could have been longer, I leaned myself up, trying to gain my bearings enough to where I could properly hold my plate, Sock waited for me to start eating mine before he began eating.

After I was done he asked me if I wanted any more, I was still hungry but I said no, and he finished his, it was then that he stood up, and I followed him out, we were on a farm, the farm that we had planned on heading to to start our journey to the Coastal town.

I was so happy to get out of the crowded city streets, where bad people always seemed to hang out in the alleyways where we slept, most of them non-human, I remember one night in particular, where we were jumped while sleeping, they seemed to target me in particular, and Sock barely managed to escape while carrying me, luckily he's fast, I cried for hours after that.

there was some sort of hatred for my kind there for some strange reason, no one seemed to want to look me in the eye, and I relied on Sock to do alot for me, I only remember a few of the furred people actually tolerating me, and then, it was more because of Sock than me, people out in more rural areas seem to be more welcoming of me, though, there are still times where I've felt threatened by individuals, Sock always saves me from people who don't like me, and people who want to hurt me because I don't have fur, maybe that's not the reason, but its the only thing I can think of, it couldn't be because I'm different, there are alot of species out there, Wolves, Foxes, ocelots, Tigers, Bears, why would me being different be the reason they don't like me?

Soon, me and Sock found the farmer, the Fox farmer, who had agreed to let us ride in the empty cattle cars, he seemed like a nice man, though, i was scared of him, as I am of everyone, excluding Sock, he seems like the only one here who legitimently cares about me, otherwise, who wouldn't go through the trouble of bringing me along with him, sometimes I wonder if he would be better off without me.

Sock and the Fox would talk with each other, I just listened to them

"If you two would like Some supplies before heading off i'm willing to lend you some, though I don't have much to give"

I looked up at Sock, holding his paw gently as he replied to the Fox

"We don't want to take anything you would need, and you be already given us a ride and breakfast, I think that's more than enough to thank you for"

I looked over at the fox, he nodded, reaching into the pocket of his overalls and pulling out something, Jerky...I don't think I've ever even tried beef jerky before.

"Here, this'll be a good source of Protein for you on the road.."

"Thank you."
Sock would hold the bag close to him, like it was a treasure, it was, to be honest, it would likely be our only source of food for our trip, I wasn't looking forward to it.

"We'll be heading off, thank you for everything,"
Sock would say to the farmer, who would nod in response and reply "you two be safe."
Then, we started down the trail, which st reached for Miles, large hills, and forests in the distance, Sock went ahead of me, with the duffle bag hanging by his shoulder, I followed Closely, I was a little frightened, gripping Sock's paw as we walked, I was scared of what we may run into and what will be wating for us down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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