Chapter 2: cameron

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So second day back couldn't be that bad right? Well I was so wrong.

So it was my second day I was ready. As my bus pulled up outside the gates I was really hoping that nothing embarrassing would happen.

After I had been at my locker I made my way to my first period class. Then BAM I smacked faces with some guy. I felt my face go Scarlett as I fell backward.

This was so bad I didn't even know what to so I ran, I ran as fast as my legs would take me.

I sprinted down the corridors, dropping my books outside my locker block. Through the car park, past the football field.

That's when I heard a deep yell or grumbling.

Stumbling, I turned around to see what the noise was coming from. "Hey stop, wait, hey!," it was the same guy I smashed into. He sprinted to catch up to me.

I felt his mammoth hand clutch my shoulder, he puffed slowly trying to regain his breath. "You know, you can run fast... for a girl"

I smirked, plopping down on the gravel beneath my feet. " I'm so sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you in there," he spoke jabbing his thumb toward the school building.

" Sorry for panicking" I muttered under my breath. He threw my a kind smile.

" Hey, I'm Cameron" he grinned, sticking his hand out at me. I reluctantly shook it.

" Ashleigh" I nodded, introducing myself.

We exchanged smirks and wondered back into the building, side by side.

I was walking to my next class I am stopped in my tracks. A long haired blonde, white as a ghost, reasonably tall, bright red lipstick, caked mascara.

She was wearing a lacy white cropped top with a loose pleated black leather skirt.

Slightly intimidated but really not in the mood to deal with some chick.

I looked into her face, "can I help you?" I sounded slightly like a checkout worker that hated her job.

She gave me a polite glare then sweetly smiled," so I saw you with Cameron today, are you two like a 'thing'," she arched her fingers forming inverted commas.

"Ahh n no we were jjust ttalkking," I stuttered more than I would have liked.

" oh don't feel you've got competition, just a big sister looking out for her little bro." she started quietly giggling to the 5 girls standing in a formation behind her.

"Ooh ok," I met mermered as she bounced off with her friends.


When I got home I went up to my room to think. I liked doing this, I would sit in my closet and write my thoughts to try and figure them out.

I have this wall inside my wardrobe that I carve all my thoughts into, nobody knows about it though. it helps my anxiety by visually displaying it.

I guess ever since my dad left I didn't know what to do with myself, I only get to see him for a month a year.

I really miss him though. But he made the decision to leave and start a new family, he doesn't want me and it's ok.

I really wasn't in the mood to go to school tomorrow but I didn't really have a choice.

Mom wouldn't know though she's to busy being 'out', that's how she felt with the break up, by drinking and partying.

I just don't want to loose her to something like that. It will ruin her.


Sorry this was a slow upload I had writers block. Hope you like it xx

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