Chapter 9: the map

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So my birthday was coming up. I wasn't looking forward to it. I had never enjoyed birthdays they just aren't my thing I guess.

So that week before my birthday the only thing my friends were talking about was my birthday. It was really stupid because I didn't even care that it was my birthday.

" so how about a road trip for your birthday" cameron asked

" That would be cool" I casually murmured looking through 17 magazine.

" Where would you want to go?" he asked

"Sunny places and snowy places, beaches and like cities but not skiing " I thought out loud

" So like Florida, miami, Colorado, Seattle, Michigan" he suggested

" Exactly " I rose my voice. " Maybe New York aswell or Nashville something like that" I thought aloud.

" Who would you bring he asked trying to be doubtful but instead sounded desperate it was cute.

" Idk probably Charlotte, why?"

I but my tongue to help constrain the smirk that's was itching at the corners of my mouth. He didn't look at me.

" oh" he was so disappointed. I turned to him getting right next to his face.

" Or you" he turned as I pressed my lips against his, I felt his smile on my cheeks.

I pulled away blushing, I have always loved the thought of going on a road trip with cameron I had even come up with this really stupid name like we would call our road trips that. Cash that's our names combined so it's like cash road trips. Isn't he just so adorable, he will sit on the couch and watch chick flicks with me as I cry and he just noticed and appreciates he smallest things.

"ASHLEY!" Cameron yelled at me

" What?" I asked confused knocking myself away from my day dream.

" Can I borrow your house keys?"

" Why" I was so oblivious to what he was talking about.

" I am coming to your house before school for your birthday" he spelled out.

" Ugh I hate birthdays" i retorted.

" I am no letting you leave your house without watching a chocolate pancake with ice cream and strawberries" he smiled

" Fine" I grunted chucking the keys in his direction which he surprisingly caught.


The bus on the way home was quite, Charlotte hadn't been at school for the past two days.

I called her as he didn't pick up. I got home finding her in my room rushing around.

" What are you doing?" she obviously didn't know that I was there because she let out a loud shriek.

" I I I was just looking for some movies because I have been a bit ill" she stuttered.

" But they are in the upstairs living room " I said in a matter-o-factly tone.

"Oh silly me" she sarcastically rolled her eyes and left. Weird.


I woke up to none than other cameron, ruby, charlotte, chloe, Carter and Mathew singing happy birthday to me.

" Ughhhhh" I forced the covers over my head, eventually sitting up giving up on he whole if I can't see you they can't see me thing.

Cameron was holding a big plate that had about 20 chocolate pancakes stacked on it. Carter was holding a bowl of strawberries and Mathew was holding a massive tub of ice cream. Grinning wildly I made room for cameron to slid in next to me as I blue out the candle.

" Thanks guys" I smiled

"Everyone out let her eat" as everyone left he whispered " when your done come into my room" he winked and left. Weird.

I headed into his room he was not in there but there was a big present on his bed it looks like a big white piece of paper with a purple now on it I turned it over and it was a world map. I was so confused.

Cameron came in and blind folded me I squealed in surprised as he spun me and put what felt like a pin or something in me hand.

" Throw forward" he instructed

So I threw the pin then he yelled " Sanfransisco" like he was on a game show. I looked at him puzzled then I realised he was taking me there.

" Cameron best gift ever " I kissed him on the forehead running into my room to call charlotte.

" Don't be gone long we are leaving in 30 minutes" he yelled as I sprinted into my room.

" Charlotte, cameron, sanfransisco, birthday, happy ahhh" we squealed in sync. " I have to go coz we are leaving in half and hour and I have to pack" I said panicked but still excited. I was about to hang up the phone when charlotte told me she had already packed for me. " But how?"

" You know how I haven't been at school for the past three days" then it clicked everything fell into place.

"Ohhhhh" I mumbled, so I kept talking to her and we talked about what clothes I should get her, we talked about how all my friends from my old school and new school were all giving me money for my birthday, how nobody except Charlotte knew where we were going. it was all so exciting.

So cameron had convinced my mom to buy us tickets and then e had saved up money I had my saved up money plus birthday money together we had about $2,000 I was so excited. Plus every week Cameron's rich uncle gives him $50 for going through his emails and telling him the important stuff.

We got in the car to go to the airport when Cameron said that they were one way tickets. So we had no departure date. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.


Sorry bit of a weird chapter hope you like it xx

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