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Jane's POV

Wake up. Go to airport. Get to house.

"Here we are ladies," I said as we opened the door to the big house. The three of us live in a small apartment for security reasons and this is a huge bonus for our job.

We unpacked and cleaned up the house a little even though it was already cleaned by real maids. We shared a room like at home and just sat around until Trent texted that they were close.

After another hour he texted.

"They're close!" I yelled and Carol and Piper came to the door. We heard a car, then car doors, then voices. A lot of male voices overlapping.

Trent opened the door and they walked in. They stood in the doorway looking at us. We smiled friendly and waited for Trent to come inside.

"Boys there are the caretakers that I told you about. Carol, Piper, and Jane. They will be escorting you everywhere." Trent said and ushered them forwards.

We didn't look like caretakers. Piper was wearing a cropped tank with black shorts. Carol was wearing shorts and a hoodie. And I was wearing a long sleeved crop top and black jeans.

I noticed Carol was biting her lip and Piper was smirking. I couldn't tell them to stop because I was guilty of checking them out too.

I noticed they were all tall and skinny. All really attractive. I made eye contact with Chase and smiled at him.

We took their bags and followed them to where they were staying. Anthony and Jaden in one room. Chase and Payton in another. And Noen got stuck with the room across from ours.

I tried to carefully put the bags down but they were really heavy. I was strong but these were heavy. They were Anthony and Jaden's bags but they carried their personal backpacks.

I stood up and popped my back. "There you go. If you need anything or are going somewhere, let us know," I smiled and turned to exit.

"Wait," Jaden said. The voice of an angel. "What's your name again?" He asked.

"Jane," I said. I looked at him and then at Anthony who was eyeing my exposed stomach. I crossed my arms in front of my body and saw Anthony trail his eyes back up to my face.

"How old are you?" Jaden asked sitting on the bed.

"18" I answered.

Anthony looked up at Jaden and smirked. Jaden shoved him playfully. "Thats all thank you," Anthony said and waved. I could see his veins from the doorway. And damn.

I walked away slowly. I could hear Jaden say something to Anthony. "Dude I could tell you were undressing her with you're eyes" he said and Anthony laughed.

I walked into Chase and Payton's room to find Piper, Chase and Payton, Noen, and Carol.

"What's going on?" I asked and walked in.

"The tv isn't working," Carol said while fidgeting with the antenna.

"I can fix it," Piper said. Carol stepped back and crossed her arms.

Piper stepped up to the tv, looked at me, gave a wholesome smile, and smacked the tv.

We all jumped out of surprise. Then she slapped the antenna and it wiggled in the air. We watched it twang back and forth as Piper bent over and pushed the on button.

It surprisingly turned on and she smirked.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw," I said. Carol walked out rolling her eyes. Chase laughed at my comment.

"Oh hey we were thinking about going out for some food" Chase told me. Everyone exited so it was just Chase and I.

"Okay cool," I said. "When?"

"Not sure yet but I want to change and freshen up whatever that means," he said and smiled. I smiled back.

"Do you know who we are?" He asked taking his hoodie off.

"Tiktok boys?" I asked.

"Yeah pretty much," he laughed. "Not to brag but we're pretty famous." He said taking off his T-shirt that was under the hoodie so he was shirtless.

I blushed and looked at the doorway. "Not to brag huh?" I asked and looked back at him.

He was bent over getting a black dress shirt from his bag. He looked up and smiled with his tongue between his teeth.

I smiled back. Keep focus.

He pulled it on and buttoned it only a few buttons up so you could see his chest. He did all this while looking straight into my eyes.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"18," I told him.

"Good," He said and walked out.

I walked into the kitchen and gathered Carol and Piper.

"I think this is gonna be harder than we thought," I said. "I mean they're total flirts."

"Payton was talking to me and being really nice," Piper said and smiled.

"Yeah Noen and Chase were asking me how old I was and stuff," Carol said.

"Chase asked me the same thing," I sighed.

We looked back into the living room where they gathered. Jaden looked up and smirked.

"Whenever you're ready to go," he said across the room.

We all smiled and then looked back at each other. "We need a safe word," Carol suggested.

"How about 'delicious' since we're eating out," Piper said and everyone agreed.

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