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A/n: !Disclaimer! I'm writing about Chase back in summer '19. Because a lot of drama has come up and the hype house I don't want to deal with it. So this takes place summer '19

I hope you all are doing good

K bye!

Jane's POV

"Chase I have a gun but I don't want to use it. I will take care of this," I said and turned around facing the hooded man. "Please, sir you don't want to do this."

He laughed at me. "Of course I don't want to do this! Do you think this is the life I wanted to live?" He asked me in a desperate tone. He pulled a knife from out of his pocket and flicked it open.

"We don't have any money or valuables on us, so please sir leave and no one gets hurt," I tried pleading again, but it wasn't working. He was walking closer to us laughing like he was insane.

"Chase run back to the apartment when I signal okay? It's two blocks from here you'll be fine," I told him. I didn't know if he'd obey me, but if he didn't he could get hurt.

The man was almost screaming by now. He was yelling about his life and swinging the knife through the air. He seemed to calm for a second of two, exhausted from his tantrum. That's when I rushed at the guy and yelled at Chase.

Like I thought he wavered for a second, but took off running.

I pushed against the guy, trying to get leverage. He shoved me back and swung his knife. I dodged it and kicked him in his side. He stumbled while I reached for his arm with the knife. I grabbed the arm and twisted it harshly making him drop it.

I kicked the knife away from us and pulled my gun. He backed away slowly and then bolted down the alley we stood in.

I was breathing heavy already, but I ran to my apartment.

I raced up the stairs to our floor, got my key out, and stumbled inside. Piper and Carol were sitting in the kitchen trying to calm Chase. Their eyes moved to me when I entered.

"Chase I-"

I didn't finish what I was saying due to the fact Chase was hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him and told him I was okay.

Carol and Piper smiled at me and they told me we'd catch up in the morning. I nodded and sat down with Chase on the sofa.

"Jane I hated that feeling of being helpless. Especially when it was because I couldn't help you," he said and rubbed his face with his hands.

"Chase I know. But you're in training. You are my student and I had to protect you back there. Just because you're 6ft and I'm smaller than you doesn't mean you should be stronger," I said. I knew he was frustrated by feeling powerless. But he came to us wanting to become a body guard. It wouldn't happen overnight.

He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. "Tomorrow I'll show you what I did to disarm the guy," I said trying to make him feel better.

After he gave up his social media life it got really hard for him. He had to give up a whole platform he created. It was his life. And he gave it up for me.

He nodded at my comment and kissed my neck once. "Can I stay here tonight?" He asked. I nodded and returned the kiss to his forehead.

I said goodnight and went into the shared bedroom with Carol and Piper. They looked at me when I entered.

"How are you," Piper asked and patted a seat next to her. I took it and sighed. "Chase told us you guys got confronted by a mugger? How did that go?"

"I told him to run while I took care of it. He obeyed but reluctantly. Chase joined us so he could be with me, but I don't see how we could be together while being on different skill levels," I ranted. I loved Chase, but being his mentor is not an ideal relationship.

"How about you ask him to join us with Mrs. Carter's training for the youth recruits," Carol suggested. Mrs. Carter. Mr. Carter's lovely wife held a ten day intense training camp that we helped with every year.

"You know what Carol? I think I will do that," I concluded.

It took me a while to fall asleep. I wondered how I'd ask him to join the camp and what would happen if he agreed. I wondered, like every day, if it was worth falling in live with him.

A/n:     ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

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