Chapter 1

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I looked at the pregnancy test again, two pink lines.

I stashed it into my purse and rushed over to David's house.

"Oh sweetie, you're too late," said Darcy after she opened the door and saw me, "David met with his probation officer this morning and he failed his drug test, he's in jail."

"What?! But I need to talk to him, right now," I said.

"Well, he's going to be locked up for 2 years. I can take you down sometime this week to go visit him," she replied.

"Thank you so much Darcy," I said, "I'll see you soon."

"Okay honey, take care."

I went home and just lied back in bed. What am I going to do? I'm only 16 and I'm pregnant and my boyfriend is in jail for the next two years. It's the summer before my junior year, my life is over. How am I going to go through the next two years of high school while pregnant and then raising a baby?

I didn't realize how lonely I really am until David went to jail. I have friends, but none of them were as close to me as David was. Now that he's gone, I have no one. I have to go through this pregnancy all alone and probably raise this child on my own too. I cant tell anybody about this until I tell David first.

I started thinking about all the friends I've made this past school year. I used to be really close friends with this girl who I met the first semester of my sophomore year, her name is Jane, but we haven't talked in a while. Then, there's Agnes who I actually got closer to towards the end of the school year but I wouldn't consider her one of my best friends or anything... at least not yet. Then, there was Mary Kate (or just Kate), who is probably my closest friend at the moment. And then Anastasia, who I only talked to in English class. After that, there were Priya, Vicki, Miranda, George, and David (different David from the one I'm dating), but they were only the friends I ate lunch with, we didn't really talk outside of school.

I decided to reach out to Mary Kate and see if she wanted to hang out. I really needed some good friends to help keep my mind off of things.

Alina: hey girl :) how's your summer going so far, we haven't really hung out since school ended..

Mary Kate: hey :) I just got back from vacation so I was super busy, do you want to hang out soon?

Alina: yeah we should! I really miss hanging out with you.

Mary Kate: are you free tomorrow? I can pick you up and we can go to the mall?

Alina: yeah :) sounds good

I felt relieved that there was at least one friend I could count on.


"Hey Kate," I said as I got into Mary Kate's car.

"Hey Alina," she said as she gave me a quick side hug, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I said.

We spent the drive to the mall catching up on our lives.

"I'm going to be honest with you," she said when she found a parking spot, "I think you're too good for David and you can do so much better. I mean, he's in jail and he's not going to do anything with his life and you're an honors all A student and you're going to be successful one day. There's no need to let him hold you back, you should just break up with him."

"I don't want to break up with him," I said, "I'm in love with him and he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"Girl, you're only 16, how could you possibly know that?"

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