Chapter 6

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"Is it twins?!" I blurted, thinking back to the dream I had not too long ago.

She chuckled, "no sweetie, I just can't seem to see what the gender is because your baby is in such a weird position."

"Oh," I said, disappointed.

"I'm sorry, but there isn't much I can do for you," she said, "better luck next time, alright?"

"Is he or she healthy at least?"

"Yes," she said, "everything else looks normal, I just can't tell what the gender is right now."

"Well thanks anyway," I said.

"Yeah no problem, Dr. Winter should be with you shortly."

After she left, we waited for the doctor to come in.

"So I see the gender is inconclusive at the moment," said Dr Winter as she walked in.

"Unfortunately," said Darcy, "I know my son was also looking forward to finding out what they're having."

"Well we will check again next time and hopefully we will be able to tell," she said, "but other than that, everything is looking good so just keep doing what you've been doing."

"Thank you," I said.

She handed me my chart and I walked to the front desk to check out.

Afterwards, we went to visit David.

"So? What are we having?" he asked excitedly.

I showed him the sonograms, "we don't know yet, our baby is hiding."

"Oh," he said, not hiding the disappointment in his voice.

"But it's okay, we will find out next time. I scheduled the next appointment in another month."

"Is the baby healthy at least?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, "he or she is healthy."

"Well that's good," he said, "so since I've had a lot of time to think, I thought maybe we can choose between Julianne Bianca or Nicolette Camille if it's a girl."

"Okay," I said, smiling that he still liked all the names I chose.

"But if it's a boy, then either John Arthur or Benjamin Arnold."

"Sounds good to me," I said, "I'm not sure how I'm going to take care of this baby."

"You're going to be a great mother," he said.

"I know but I still have to go to school so who's going to watch the baby while I'm gone? I don't have a job either and I probably should get one so that I can support them. I can't do this all on my own."

"You know I'd help you if I wasn't in here," he said, "but until then, you can do this."

"I might have to do online school for a while, at least until you get out and can take care of the baby while I'm at school and then you could work after I get home."

"That's assuming I get out early, which I don't know if I even will."

"Well let's hope that you do, because that could work."

"It's okay Alina, this will all work out. The baby won't be born for another few months, don't worry."

I relaxed after he said that, "you're right, we still have time."


I looked in the mirror getting ready one Saturday morning. My bump was getting bigger, I'm more than halfway there.

I noticed a pimple in the middle of my forehead. Great, I thought, just what I needed.

I squeezed it until it all came out and I put on some acne medicine.

Afterwards, I got dressed and put on makeup.

I logged into my MacBook and went to to get stared on my gift registry. My mom asked me to do it since she wanted to start inviting people to the baby shower soon.

I took out the list I wrote a little while back and just added everything to that list onto my gift registry. I realized that I still haven't really bought anything for the baby which is fine, because I'll just buy what I don't get as a gift at my baby shower.


Another week went by. I looked at my bump in the mirror, which has become a daily thing at this point. I noticed I was starting to get stretch marks since I've been getting bigger. My belly also felt hard.

I put on a black, long sleeved shirt and some black leggings. I also put on some cat ears for the Halloween party tonight. It wasn't really a party, more like a get together.

I got to Anastasia's house and she let me in. Me, her, and Molly all went as different animals. I dressed up as a cat, Anastasia as a bunny, and Molly as a deer.

"I made you girls some snacks," said her mom, "I hope you all have fun!"

She brought out some popcorn, nachos & cheese, and veggies with ranch.

Anastasia put in the first movie, Lights Out. Although, we didn't really watch it, we mainly just talked.

"Does your mom care that I'm pregnant?" I blurted out to her.

"No, actually, what you probably don't know is that my mom actually got pregnant with me when she was 17."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, her and my dad have been together ever since high school, they're high school sweethearts."

Hearing that made me feel warm and happy. I could only imagine me and David being together forever like Anastasia's parents were.


David slid a note over to me the next time I visited him.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I wrote a letter to our baby," he said, "he or she can read it once they're older."

"That's so sweet," I said, "why?"

"Just in case something ever were to happen to me and I just wanted this baby to know that he or she was loved by their dad even though I was stuck here in jail."

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too."


It was finally time for my next appointment. I kept my fingers crossed hoping I could finally find out the gender this time.

"Alina? Come on back," said the medical assistant.

I went back with her along with mine and David's mom.

"To start, you're going to have to drink this glucose drink," she said, handing me a small bottle of what looked like flat orange soda.

I took the bottle and started to drink it. This is actually tasty, I thought.

After I finished drinking it, the ultrasound tech came in.

"Are you ready to see your baby again?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, I am!" I said excitedly.

She put the gel on my belly and started the ultrasound.

"Congratulations!" she said.

I looked up at the screen, not really knowing what I'm looking at.

"Would you like to know the gender?" she asked.

"Yes! Of course," I said.

16 & Pregnant (The New Girl #2) Where stories live. Discover now