Chapter 1

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Eliza P.O. V

I hate going to school.

I hate going "home".

It's not like I live alone and stuff. I live in an orphanage and I hate it.  Everyone is so mean to me there. It the same for school. Get bullied when I walk and when I walk out. I just don't like it. Especially this kid named Heather. She is one of the "popular" kids. Her and her crew always bullying me even when she isn't at school. I walk to and from school because the bus consists of Heather and two people from her crew. So, I'm just walking now at school. I get here pretty early.

 "Hey Eliza, you here early," Ms.Smith says. 

I stay quiet and nod. I'm always here early. I think to myself.

I always come here early to help out Ms.Smith. She knows my story that my parents died when I was 3. The people who killed them were murders. Kill because of a simple robbery. No relatives to go to. She always tries to talk to me. Even if I don't answer she will still talk to me.

"Eliza you seem very tired today. Did something happened at the orphanage," she asks.

The owner made me stay up a clean the whole orphanage.  I sigh. She looks at me with concerned eyes. She walks to my desk. 

"You know you can talk to me if anything is wrong, you know that right?"

I know I can't trust her because, in the long run, she be that one teacher that tried to help me but I refused. My eyes start to tear up. I have to make sure she doesn't notice.

"Eliza why are you crying," she asks.

I decide to run to the bathroom so she wouldn't see me have a panic attack. This is what usually happens on days like this. I give Ms.Smith some credit. She is the only one trying to talk to me. Other teachers would just say hi to me. They too scared of interaction with me. I can feel it.

. . .

I was walking to my third period when I bumped into this large man. He had a white lab coat on. I  immediately start to back away. Oh no no no! This is not happening, I think. One of my biggest is doctors. They call it the white coat syndrome.

"Are you ok," he asked me.

I started shaking my head violently. Another person with a white lab coat on came up to him.

"What is happening to her," he asked in a low whisper.

I hit a corner to find that I'm locked in. No this can't be happening, I thought. I slid to the floor hyperventilating. I realize I'm going into a panic attack. They started walking towards me slowly. The one in the green scrubs holds out a hand for me to show that he was harmless. I didn't believe him. Not one bit. Before I can move, I passed out on the floor.

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