Chapter 4

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Eliza P.O.V

I wake up to both doctors sitting looking at some files. I stay quiet so they won't realize I woke up. I look around the nurse's office to see what weapons they have to harm me with. They seem harmless to me no shots or anything. I found the clock on the wall and I saw it was after four. 

Shit! She going to yell at me for sure!  I thought.

I start to get up when the both turn around to look at me. Gotta blast, I thought. I grabbed my bag and started for the exit when the one called Jake block the door before I could get there. "Hey, Hey, Hey slow down their kiddo," he stated. " We already called the orphanage to let them know you won't be there until later." Oh no that's even worst, I thought. "That's even worst," I whispered.

"How is that even worse than that," he pushed. All of a sudden I hear yelling out in the front. I start panicking (yes again). She is not going to give me food. Behind the door, I hear her demanding my presence. I then knew I was in a whirlwind of trouble.

"Where is that troublemaker," she states while opening the door.

"There you are you little shi- oh Hello," she stares at the two men in the room.  Jack just looks at her with mild interest. She then directs her attention to me.

A little bit of backstory. This lady is Ms.Ward. Imagine that lady from Annie but with black hair and no fame whatsoever. And she bitchy. And on top of that she really, and I mean REALLY, hates me. Ever since I been transferred there, I was the ban on her assistance. I have been nothing but nice and obedient to the lady but she acts like I been causing her nothing but trouble.

Anywho let's get back to the story at hand.

"Who are you two," She asked in a voice filled with sultry.  Jesus, I'm about to puke. 

"Um my name is Jake Porter and his name is Victor Harris. "What seems to bet he problem here?" "The problem? ...Oh... Her," she points to me. "That's my problem." Did I forget to say she can be a real dumbass sometimes? Oh, I did!  "What did she do?" "She didn't do anything, the school-," Jake was interrupted by Ms.Ward. "I don't care about the stupid school. This girl has chores to do after school, she has no time to do whatever you are doing here." "Ma'am we called and said that-" "Bullshit, come on child you have things to do at the orphanage," She interrupted.

I was happy but sad at the same time because I get to leave this clinic but I know I'm going to get hell when I get to the orphanage. I grab my stuff and walk out the door to the car. 


Hey Guys,

Sorry for the slow update.  But I will update and I still have plans for this book.

see ya next time,


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