Chapter 33

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Niall's prov

"Are we actually going to use this????"I asked.

"At some point maybe." Liam said.

"What have you guys thought that this was a time machine?????" April asked.

"Maybe." Harry said quietly. April started laughing.

"It's a portal to the tother worlds. You'll still be your self but you'llbe yourself from that world. So you get to see which life you think is better. Famous vampires, not famous vampires, you could even see what would habe happened if you were still human." She said, Wow okay I like this thing a lot better now. Liam and I lookex at eachother and nodded

"Let's go." Liam and I said at the same time. We all went into the machine. We decided to see what woukd have happened of we weren't famous. There was a blinding light then we were there I think. I can't really tell we were inthe same house. I got out of the thing and ran upstairs and went to the room that Alex was staying in. Empty completely empty. The only reason we had a bed in this room was for Liam or Louis' girlfriends so that they could spend the night. I guess that they didn't meet them because we weren't famous. Well that says a lot. I opened the other doors that the other girls were staying in also empty.

"Upstairs the girl's rooms are empty. Theres nothing there at all." I said when I got downstairs. There was a knock on the door. We all stopped I walked over there and saw someone I thought I would never see before.

"Jack?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Why do you look so confused?? you asked me to come over to watch the game." Jack said. Jack had stoped talking to me when I became famous. He's a vampire also he thought we would get caught so he ran to I think Australia but I have no clue.

"Oh yeah I forgot but something has come up I'm sorry maybe another time." I said. He nodded and left. I closed thedoor and went to the lads.

"We have to leave." I said.

"What's up?" Zayn asked.

"Seeing him is to much. I thought he was dead. His cousin told me he had died" I said.

"Not in this world I guess." Harry said.

"Niall come with me I want to see something." Louis said and we walked outside.

"Where are we going???" I asked.

"You're going to Alex's house and I'm going to Jess'" Lou said. I know I don't know where Alex's house is but I'll be able to tell. We went to the alley.

"Good luck." Lou said. I walked towards on end and Louis went to the other. I could fell that I was close to her.

Yes I found her house!!!!! I rang the door bell. Alex answered the door.

"I'm sorry but who are you???" She asked.

"Alex it's me Niall." I said.

"H-How do you know my name???" She asked. She has no clue who I am.

"Oh sorry it's nothing I thought I saw you at school before." I said and walked away.I didn't even wait for Louis I just went to the house. Apparently Louis was already back.

"Let's just go." I said and we went to the machine we decided to see what would have happened if we never turned into vampires. We ended up in the alley. We all split up different ways to see our family. I tried running vampire speed but I couldn't. So I just ran normaly.

I got to my house and went in. My brother was in the living room.

"Greg." I chocked.

"Why ya seem so suprized???" He asked. Man its been forever since I've seen any of my family. The lads are really all I have left. I went up and huged him.

"Wtf little bro??? Did you hit your head you never hug me." He said. Its true I never really did pay much attention to him. Once I lost my family i regreted it knowing no matter what I would never see them again.

Zayn's prov

I got to my old house and went in. My family were all there. I felt the tears streaming down my face. Once I turned I ran away. After a while I thought I was just scared of hurting them but now I remember. I ran away because werewolves and vampires are total enemies and you were easily able to feel the tension.

"Zayn??" My mom asked. I just smiled.

"Im so happy you're back." She said. Back???? Did I run away in this world also.

"Back I never left." I said.

"Yeah you did you ran away when you discovered your powers becaus your's are stronger and you have more. You ran away to learn how to control them." She said oh wow I guess I never knew how to control my powers. Good to know.


Short again I know. I had a better idea but I forgot it. I have an idea that will becoming up soon. Thanks

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