5:15 a.m.

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Charting was actually one of Taryn's favorite semi-mindless tasks. It was basically just taking all the handwritten chicken scratch notes that had been scribbled on post-its and stuck to random patient files throughout the shift and adding them to the digital records for each kid. But while she was in there, she could find out more about their medical history, previous admissions, and treatment plans. That was a little more like Grey's Anatomy.

But of course, she and Benny weren't exactly supposed to dig deep into every record. Technically, they couldn't discuss anything they happened to see in the files, either. But that didn't stop most of the mental health techs from getting into heated discussions about all the awful things their patients had been through. Except for Benny. Of course.

Taryn knew better than to comment on anything she was reading. She just did her research silently. She also knew better than to spend too long in any one record or he'd be all up in her business, reminding her of all the HIPAA rules and regulations. The boy seriously had no life.

"How's it going, Tay?" Mr. Smileyface popped up right by her side while she was reading about Jameelah's repeated run-ins with the police for shoplifting, which apparently stemmed from her mom's inability to keep any food in the house for the kids. No wonder Jameelah punched her. What kid wouldn't have anger issues after being so hungry that she had to steal food for herself and her little brothers?

"Just about done? We should be getting back. There's another new admission on the way in from the main hospital."

They heard the whelp of the siren outside to alert them of the new patient's arrival. "Your timing is seriously scary, Benny," Taryn said, shaking her head as she logged out of the computer. Her charts were done.

They flashed their badges at the sensor to unlock the doors to the unit and stepped back into chaos. The new patient was an African American teenage girl. Taryn breathed a sigh of relief knowing she wouldn't need a lice treatment. The girl was wearing the standard hospital blue paper pajamas. Those things sucked. Taryn grabbed a set of scrubs from the closet, and a pair of non-slip safety socks. Anything was better than the paper pjs.

Nancy and the cop who escorted the new girl in were having a wonderful time as she screamed and thrashed around. But she didn't seem angry or violent like some of the patients Taryn had seen who came from the main hospital. This girl was genuinely terrified.

"Rose, we're gonna need some loopy juice!" Nancy yelled. "Benny, can you help me hold her down, please?"

Loopy juice was what the kids called the shots used to sedate them when nothing else did the trick. Sometimes kids would act out on purpose, just trying to get the juice, because it guaranteed you at least four hours of really solid sleep and a pretty good mood for a few hours after that.

Benny bounced right over in his super cheery Tigger fashion, but it was too much for this girl.  She managed to roundhouse him square in the sack. He doubled over and Taryn slapped a hand over her mouth before she laughed out loud.

The girl's big brown eyes caught hers, and everyone seemed to freeze. The girl reached out her arms and whimpered as she shuffled toward Taryn, who just stayed still, not sure what was going to happen.

Nancy and the cop let it all go and tended to poor wounded Benny and his broken balls, while the new patient clung onto Taryn like a lifeline.

"Um, Nancy..."

"Rose, fill Taryn in on this one," Nancy yelled across the room. "Looks like we found someone she's comfortable with."

The girl leaned into Taryn as close as she could. If Taryn moved, the girl moved.

"You must have had a rough night," Taryn said softly. "Do you want to sit down?"

She motioned to the big couches in the day room, but the girl shook her head frantically and held on tighter, grabbing Taryn's hand.

"Okay, okay. We'll stay right out here for now, then."

Rose, the other nurse on duty, walked over slowly, making sure she stayed where the girl could see her. "Hey, there, sweetie. It's okay, I'm just gonna talk to Taryn for a second, but I won't take her away from you, I promise. You're safe now."

Taryn felt the girl tense up as Rose moved around to her other side and whispered in her ear. "Trauma case, sexual assault. She's been catatonic most of the night. You're the first person she's connected with. No idea who hurt her. See if you can get her to talk, eat, sleep, anything. Her name is Kya."

Taryn felt her heart sink. She and Kya really did have a connection.

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