Chapter XI

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Cadence's POV

Sighs this is boring...

This is nothing but a social meeting for the rich and noble to gain connections

Lady Lena and Levin had been out chatting with guests and have been busy the entire time

Since I am still a mere baby, I have been left in the care of Anne as she fed me desserts

Perhaps that was the only reason this party was worthwhile

Before we left the carriage Lady Lena had put on a white flower embroidered veil on me

It covered nearly all my face but I was still able to see clearly

Every time I wanted to take a bite Anne would have to lift my veil slightly which was quite bothersome but Lady Lena told me I absolutely must not take it off until we were back in the carriage

Thus I followed her instruction and sat in a quiet corner with Anne obediently

Occasionally people would turn their attention to me, stare for a bit then a whisper a few things to the people near them

But either than that no one paid much attention to me and went on with their way

Much honestly I'd rather just go back to our residence and read some books with Levin

But it seems it'll be a while before Lady Lena and Levin are finished sigh.

Well at the very least I've managed to hear quite a few things from the surrounding ladies conversations

It seems that marriage is already a topic of discussion for the young princes and princesses of the kingdom

I've heard that many nobles are already trying to establish an engagement between their children and a royal child

The most popular choices are naturally the four princes and Princess Adeline, the only daughter of the third wife and Princess Renae the eldest daughter of the second wife

The mistress born daughters are the second best option and seem to be the settlement if they can't get a legal born daughter

But I heard a few of the madam's whisper that the third wife has already established an engagement for princess Adeline to a crown prince of a neighbouring kingdom

Quite the fitting match in everyone's eyes

It makes me wonder about my future marriage

I may be the deceased queen's daughter and only child but my mother seems to have no notable backing or wealth

Thus I am not the most favourable option between the nobles, perhaps I'm on the same level as the mistress born princess's

Well I just pray I don't get sold off for some political arrangement, preferably I'd like to marry someone of my choice

But freedom of marriage is the price to pay for a noble born child sigh

Well whatever, I don't need to worry about these things until much later

[ "Good evening guests" ]

A woman's voice announced grabbing everyone's attention

It was none other than Lady Lidia, standing on top of a sort of grand stage

[ "First of all I would like to kindly thank you all for attending my beloved little Vera's birthday party, you all have our many thanks and gratitude!" ]

[ "Now it is time for the awaited event of the night" ]

The guests all started to cheer and clap as they held their glasses of champagne and wine

What looked to be a priest dressed in a white and gold robe came walking in holding something that looked to be a crystal ball

He bowed to the Emperor and all three of the wives before heading up onto the stage where Lady Lidia and princess Vera stood

A luxurious table was placed in front of princess Vera in the centre of the stage

I stared eyes wide at the beautiful crystal ball that shone brightly in the light like a diamond

[ "We will now begin the ceremony" ]

The elderly priest said with a husky voice

[ "May your royal highness, the fifth princess of the great Crimson Empire, Vera Lynn De Liyana Romania, please place your hands on the crystal ball" ]

The priest instructed as princess Vera followed instruction

Everyone eyes were glued to the crystal ball waiting for results

Very soon after the crystal ball shone brightly painting the room in its colour

It went from a bright fury red, to a dirty shade of brown and then to a very pale shade of light green

[ "Congratulations, your majesty's, your royal highness, Princess Vera is a triad-magician with an elemental affinity to fire, earth and air" ]

The emperor nodded seemingly with no reaction as the crowd went "ooh" and "ahh"

Although princess Vera only had an affinity with 3 elements, the fire was a strong offensive element that a was a bit more rare to have

Not to mention judging by the large light the crystal ball had grown, her affinity was quite strong

Everyone went up to Lady Lidia and princess Vera congratulating them and showering them in honey coated flatters but no one dared to approach the powerful emperor

But around a third of the ladies did not go up to Lady Lidia but instead surrounded the third wife, the younger sister of the reigning king of the Yunli Kingdom, Princess Mion otherwise known as the Crimson Emperors third wife

The ladies with Princess Mion of the Yunli Kingdom sneered and giggled taunting the others

[ "The fifth princess Vera is indeed impressive but isn't princess Adeline a quad magician? I've heard that she is even a blessed child, how magnificent!" ]

[ "Oh my is this true your highness? Oh please tell us we're beyond curious! I already knew princess Adeline was a magic prodigy but to think she's a blessed child as well?!" ]

Princess Mion smiled provocatively at Lady Lidia, who was clearly displeased and annoyed

[ "Mm my little Addy is indeed a blessed child" ]

Princess Mion said as the ladies gasped exaggerating

The ladies on Lady Lidia's side sneered

[ "What is there to be so proud about? Princess Renae is also a quad magician with a blessing!" ]

[ "That's right! Not to mention her outstanding beauty, princess Renae is no doubt the prettiest princess of the empire! Perhaps even of the whole lands!" ]

[ "Hmph but her mother is but a simple merchants daughter! She may be wealthy but who doesn't know of what means her father uses?" ]

[ "Princess Adeline, on the other hand, is not only the daughter of the Crimson Emperor, but her mother is also the beloved princess of the Yunli Kingdom, not to mention a world renown mage!" ]

[ "The gap between their status's are quite large when you think about it! Some people these days are more arrogant than what they are worth" ]

The two opposing sides continued to shoot attacks and rebuttals to each other to no end

Sigh women are quite frightening, aren't they?

Ah it looks like Lady Lena and Levin are heading towards here

Perhaps it's finally time to head back home!

Chapter End


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