❥ "God Damn Right..."

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"...I need more books "

That's basically how her day started. Danielle had just finished her third book yesterday which was the last series of " The Kingdom of Fire " collection, A Sorrow Fierce and Falling, and wanted to buy another book for herself to read. well... after getting over her book hangover from the last series.

So when the next morning arrived Danielle shoved off her blankets and left her room and went to find Jin to ask permission to go to the Bookstore and maybe ask for his company on the way. Making her way to the Kitchen, Daniell found Jin near the counter Frying Bacon and Whisking eggs, The sweet smell of The Crisp Bacon waft the whole room, hot coffee and French toast were placed in the table for breakfast.

" ...Jinnie." Danielle called out softly. Walking towards the counter.

Jin turned his head questioningly only to see a newly awoken Danielle, his eye crinkled amusingly and a smile played at the corners of his mouth once he saw the mess of her silver hair and sleepy puppy eyes.

"... Yes baby?" Jin answered as he lowered the heat of the stove. Turning his head now facing Dpanielle.

".... I was wondering." fiddling with her shirt. Danielle placed a strand of white-lock behind her ear craning her neck towards Jin. "....Can we go to the Bookstore?"

" Bookstore? " Jin repeated wondering the reason why she wants to go the Bookstore.

" Why? Have you finished reading the last collection? " Jin asked with a fond smile.

" Yes oppa, all of it. "

" How about the other stack of books Namjoon brought for you? " Jin asked again.

" French Revolution, Life and Fate, On War, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy... " Danielle listed each book with her fingers. " I even read Med School Confidential: A Complete Guide to the Medical School Experience, which by the way is a medical book i found yesterday around the house. "

" So can we go? " Danielle asked once again this time with hope-filled eyes. Jin looked at Danielle still a little suprise at the fact she had finished all of those books at small period of time while others would slept through with out reaching the next page.

" uhh-uhm, sure sweetheart will get you new books " Jin said with a smile.

" Really?!...Thankyou Oppa!" with a happy smile Danielle placed her small hands on Jin's shoulders and stood on her tippy-toes, placing a chaste kiss on his jawline, and hastily walk out of the kitchen to her room passing Namjoon and Yoongi who just woke up from their sleep. Jim smiled lovingly at her as he watched her retreating figure slowly dissappear from the kitchen, the feeling of warmth from her dainty hands and soft lips.

" Waoh there.." Namjoon said, smiling amusingly as he watched Danielle almost bump into him while Fast-walking outside the kitchen.

" Sorry Oppa! " Danielle shouted from the other side of the room.

" Your Taking Her to the Library Hyung? " Yoongi asked as he and Namjoon went to take their sits at the table.

" Yes, yes I am Yoongi," Jin answered as he place the freshly cooked bacon and eggs unto the table. Yoongi and Namjoon took a peice of bacon and started eating.

".... Didn't Namjoon Just gave her heap loads of books last week? " Yoongi asked once again while sipping coffee prepared in the table. Jin opened his mouth to answer but stopped to looked at the new sleepy comers which was just Hoseok and the Maknae-line.

" She has finished reading all of it Yoongi. " Jin replied as he watched, with a cup of coffee in hand, the others took a seat and ate Breakfast.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow and leaned against his chair. " She finished all of it? All the books? "

" Yes, yes she did. " Yoongi smirked at that, taking a sip fo his coffe, while Jin answered smiling proudly. Like any proud mother could be.

" Now excuse me, i have to go change." Jin stood up and slowly walked out of the kitchen but not before he reminded the others to the dishes to which the other responsed with a bunch of "Yes" and "Yeah".

" Oh and Namjoon?" Jin called out by the door.

Namjoon looked at Jin and replied " Yes Hyung? "

" Is the medical book yours? " Jin said referring to the book at the coffe table. Namjoon Glance at the book.

" Yup, borrowed it from a friend, " He answered. " Why Hyung? " Namjoon asked questionably.

" Danni found that book and read it, she'd finished the book too. " Jin he said as he fully exit the Kitchen and made his way to his room to change.

Namjoon chocked on his coffee, slowly progressing what Jin said.

" She she she, she finished the book. " Namjoon stuttered. Dumbfounded.

".... Why are you Suprise? " This time it was Hoseok who asked who was silently listening to their conversation along with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. Yoongi looked at Hoseok silently agreeing with him.

" I haven't even got to the second page. " Namjoon answered finally overcoming the shock. " I Fell asleep once i got to the second paragraph. " Namjoon said sheepishly in the end. Taehyung snorted at that, which earned Taehyung a look from Namjoon.

" That's because Snow is a little Bookworm Hyung. " Jungkook said with a smile.

" Yeah Hyung. " Jimin agreed with a nod.

" She's more of a walking encyclopedia actually. " Taehyung chimed. His box smile slowly formed at the taught. The others chuckled slightly agreeing with Taehyung.

" Well.... " Yoongi stood up from his chair, full from breakfast. " She's Smarter than all of you idiots combined that's for sure. " Yoongi continued and exited the room followed by a bunch of "Heys" from the maknaes and Hoseok, and an "excuse me" from an offended Namjoon, going who-knows where.

" Have you guys seen Jin oppa? " As if on slow-motion Everyone turned to look at the source of the sound only to find Danielle standing, all prep and dressed. Then As if on cue, Taehyung's eyes widen at Danielle, Jimin blushed, Namjoon once again chocked on his coffe, Hoseok seemed to froze and Jungkook looked at Danielle his mouth agape, their hearts racing as they admire the lovely sight before themselves.

There stood Danielle by the door, Clothed with a Mustard coloured sweater, Cute Grey Bottoms, a Three inched grey thigh-high Boots, and with a layered chocker adorning her slim neck. lips painted with light pink lipgloss as her only make-up and her soft Platinum hair fell in to her usual waves.

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