Chapter 18: The Final Battle Part 1

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Chapter 18: The Final Battle Part 1

After this guy told me he was my great great whatever grandfather, I said something real smart like, "What?"

The guy threw his head back and laughed. It had no warmth in it. It was raspy and cold. It didn't sound very human. I saw two twin spires emerge behind him, no doubt holding some other creepies who I'd have to fight.

"But your diary...... at the library we read your diary. You..... died."

He laughed again. "My dear, did the book every say I died?"

"No, but you couldn't exactly write it down if you were dead."

"I did not die, I was..... transformed."

I raised my eyebrows. "Transformed?"

His eyes flashed deep purple.

"Oh No" I muttered.

"Oh Yes." His eyes gleamed and his body began to glow. He grew wings and his body elongated. It was at that moment that I finally understood.

"When they caught you.... you merged with the Enderdragon?" I gasped, just realizing how mad he was. (The crazy mad, not the angry mad. Although, I supposed he was angry mad too....)

"That's right. I'm sorry, but the time for chitchat is over."

The two spires behind him exploded and purple smoke fanned out of it. Josh came out of one. And out of the other....... Alex.

"How...?" My head was buzzing. This wasn't possible. I peered through the darkness. Both Josh and Alex glowed purple and their eyes were glazed over white. So they were under the influence of the Enderdragon. I don't know why that made me feel better. They would still try to kill me.

"Kill her." He ordered Josh and Alex. He flew into the air.

That ticked me off. Here I was jumping into the End Portal, thinking I would have to battle the Enderdragon, and He decides I'm not even worth his time.

I cracked my neck. I felt something appear in my hand. A sword. Where had I seen it before. Then it hit me. The book. This was the sword Josh had found in the book in the library. The most epic sword in the universe. And it probably wouldn't do much good in this fight. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Geronimo!" I shouted and charged. Alex pulled out her bow and began shooting me rapid fire. I blocked it with my sword. Sometimes I surprise even me.

That's when things got really crazy. Josh started throwing fireballs at me. I had a slight moment of wondering when he learned to do that before I realized it didn't matter. I had to focus. One whizzed past me, far too close for comfort. I knocked a fireball back in the direction of Josh. He crumpled to the ground.

I almost laughed. Return to Sender. I was pretty sure that was gonna catch on. I turned around and was immediately hit over the head with a bow. I blinked. Everything looked fuzzy.

I quickly got to my feet. Alex spun around me, acting like a Legolas wannabe. I swung at her. I had a major disadvantage, though. She wanted to kill me, but I didn't want to kill her.

She kept shooting arrows at me. I caught one in my hand, like a boss. I kicked her legs out from under her. She regained her feet, almost moving faster than I could block her attacks.

I realized that I didn't stand a chance. I did the only logical thing. I hacked her bow in half. It fell, splintered, to the ground. She grabbed my throat.

"You'll pay for that you-"

I grabbed her hand, pulling it away from my throat. "Alex, we're friends. I need you to remember that! Please remember..."

Her face softened. "Friends....."

Then she broke out in Laughter. "I've gotten so good at acting! You should've seen the look on your face."

I clenched my fist. "Alex , you're under some sort off spell. You're not yourself."

"That's what you always think." Alex rolled her eyes. "You always want to see the best in people. Geez, are you stupid!"

I wanted to scream, "Make up your mind!" I didn't.

Instead I said, "Alex"

She got right up in my face and whispered, "Go to Nether." Then she grabbed my sword and stabbed me through the stomach.

I had just enough time to wonder if Alex had some major Bipolar disorder before I slipped into the darkness.


What's Up? It's been far too long. I've been working and thinking on a few things for this story

I know, it's excuse after excuse. Well, at least I wrote it now, right? Anyway, Peace Out and DFTBA.

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