Simply Complicated (1)

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The pounding of the bass could be felt throughout the whole house. It made my bones vibrate and my head pound. I didn't have any desire to be here. The only reason I was, was because of my best friend Lola. She was determined to lose her good girl image. That could never happen, even drunk she's polite and has manners.

Speaking of my drunk friend. She was twirling around in the sea of bodies of our classmates. She refused to dance like a normal teenager via grinding. Nope. She was doing some of the weirdest movements I've ever seen. It was like the sprinkler with a hint of a robot. At least she was having fun in the sea of underage drinkers. Unlike me.

 I clashed with the other teenagers, all girls dressed in the tightest, shortest things they could find.  I was wearing a basic pair of jeans and tank top. My hair secured in a tight bun on top of my head, glasses pushed up on my nose. When Lola came to me, I was just dressed for a nice night at home, so I didn’t take any time to put together my appearance.

I hate parties, it seems like I was the only teenager in this town who didn't enjoy them. Drunk teens, loud music, couples making out for everyone to see. Talk about nasty. No one in their right mind wants to see that. Or at least I don't. Not to mention I'm pretty sure I'm the only sober person here.

Fighting the urge to leave, I tried to think of a place that might not sound like a club in this house. Taking one last glance at Lola and deciding she would be alright for a few minutes on her own. I left the room and started searching for a bathroom.

 After accidentally walking into a bedroom that was being occupied. I will never get that image out of my head, I slowly opened a door. Thankfully it was a bathroom and empty. I shut the door behind me, leaning against it I breathe in the air that wasn't soiled with perfume, sweat, and alcohol. I didn't get to enjoy it long though.

There was a knock on the door followed by a voice. "If there is a couple in there get out, because some of us actually have to use the bathroom! "

Sweet fresh air, gone.

Not wanting to piss anyone off, I scurried out of the bathroom. Ramming smack into a chest. The word sorry slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

The same voice came again, "Where is your partner? I don't want to go in there if he is still in there." I looked to find a face that surprise me, but shouldn't have at the same time.

Damien Spence.

He was the bad boy. Complete with the dark purposely messy, just got out of bed, hair, tan skin, muscular body, and dreamy blue eyes that contrasted perfectly with his bad boy nature. I'm shocked he talked to me, then again he didn't know it was me in the bathroom. Don’t flatter yourself Winter, he just has to pee.

"Hey cutie? You gonna say anything or just stand there" He smart, the look on his face was smug. As if I had stopped everything to stare at him. Which I kind a had but still that made me mad.

"Sure I'll move.” I smiled sweetly before mumbling, "Ass."

"Only for you cutie!" He called, before going into the bathroom. Dammit, he heard me.

"Bad boys. Eh." My nose scrunch. I never understood why girls were so attracted to bad boys. They annoyed me with their smirks and smart ass remarks. Thinking they owned to world.

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