Chapter 1

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The taste of an ocean upon my mouth, or mini branches a river running down my cheeks.  Against the white lonely wall in my room my back rests. Why am I crying? Is it anger?Or just disappointed in a hood of sorrow?or just the feeling of being in the verge of loneliness just on the boundaries of losing my mind.

I really don't know . More tears started falling from my eyes as that scene replayed in my mind, over and over.

My parents usually don't come home cause they are really busy. So it's more like I'm living alone. But today they came home and I was over the moon, jumping in ecstasy.

But, that illusion of happiness faded, like an mirage in a dessert.
I was in the bathroom when I heard glass shattering sounds downstairs. I quickly turned off my shower, wore some clothes and ran downstairs. I saw a scene not so unfamiliar.

My mom shouted.
"Bastard. I want a divorce" 
My fathers hand slapping anger dusted pink cheeks of mom echoes through the air.

"Do you really think I want to live with a bitch? " My dad shouted back.

"Mom,dad just stop it. Why can't you both be like other parents?" I said as I wiped my tears with my palm.

Then I ran upstairs and made my way to my room.
That how I ended up like this.

"Why can't they be like other parents"
"Why can't they love each other"
"Why all this happening to ME"

These questions replayed in my mind.

I don't give a shit.
I don't give a fuck.

oh shit! I have to move on to a new school tomorrow.  God....I hate my life.
I know I have to sleep. I already have bags under my eyes. But I don't know how I'm gonna sleep when my life is a fucking hell. Isnt it like that? When you're in pain, the world seems like hell. Fuck. 

Omg I curse too much. aren't I?

I laid on my bed. but I couldn't stop my tears. Tears were falling from my eyes like a river. I felt the need of someone's love. I wanted someone by my side. Someone to talk to. Some one to give me a shoulder to cry on. Love, that very magic word that heals. that breaks. that builds. that the world relies on.

One day god will send someone to save me from this hell. I know he will. Because I am going through too much for a girl at my age. Then I  slowly drifted off to sleep.



My alarm started ringing throughout my room.
The memories of last night came to my mind again and  I woke up. The first thing I did was going to my parents room to see whether they are home or not.
I slowly peeked through their door.

As I expected they weren't there.

A loud sigh escaped from me.

"You're better without them. " I said to myself and
did my boring morning routine. There were dried tear drops on my face. And of course those fucking eye bags! After doing some light makeup to cover it up I headed downstairs and  made some sandwiches for eat. Then I grabbed my bag and started walking towards my school since It was a bit near my house.

It was a 10 minutes walk to my school from here.

Finally I arrived at my new school.

I headed straight to principal's office as I was told before.


"Come in" a voice behind the door said.

I opened the door to see a middle aged woman. She was wearing big round glasses.  A
wide smile appeared on her face as soon as she saw me. Wrinkles appeared near her eyes when she smiled.

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