15| Tears... never return

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I squeezed Nicky's hips a bit resulting in her hands leaving Poly's hairs and curling around my neck. I looked towards Poly. Surely, she won't expect me kissing anyone in the middle of this hallway. This is for her good at least for now....

Before I could end it. Nicky swept her tongue into my mouth. WHY THE FUCK SHE WANTS TO DO THIS IN FRONT OF HER? Poly left the place and ran towards stares. Last thing I saw were her dark brown eyes welling with tears.

She immediately released me and whispered "My boy has grown up" into my right ear, blocking my vision to follow Poly. Now I'm officially FUCKED UP.


It's okay. They are couples. I should not be affected. I wiped my tears, took a deep breath and advanced towards Principal's room. "My child, are you alright?" I saw Sir standing in front of me. Concern evident in his eyes. "Sir," I handed him the form. "I want to discontinue." He was shocked yet calm. "I knew it would happen. Don't worry. I'll handle everything. You register for the national psychology test. I know you are always passionate for it" He smiled, looking at me. I nodded and turned.

I was ready to leave when he said "And sorry my dear. This school hasn't been able to be what your father dreamt of. This school is full of proudy and pompous students rather than well-mannered and obedient ones. Like you. I'm sorry." He bowed to me.

"Sir I am nowhere near to my Dad's position and I don't see you at fault for anything that's ever happened. Being in this school was a bitter-sweet experience." I tried to console him and slowly left before the things get more emotional. I took another set of stairs that directly led to the entrance. No. I AM NOT TAKING THESE STAIRS AGAIN. NEVER AGAIN. I thought and left this utter shitty place. Never turning back ever.

I reached when home at 8:30. I sunk into the sofa in the hall room closing my eyes for relaxing. I got startled by a sudden familiar voice. "Oh Poly, did you arrive just now? Okay then, let's go to your room. I have prepared and placed everything there." I nodded and got up, following her to my room. If it wasn't for this women's hospitality, I would have left this place right now. I laid down on my bed, hardly paying attention to my changed surroundings.

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