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"Each one of us cut,

each one of bruised,

each one of us hoping not to be used.

And when we're alone, each one of us fall.

Because we're all waiting for a single call.

A call from the future,

a call from the past,

because none of us

want to be last.

The last one is useless,

the last one is poor,

the last one is always the one settled for.

Life in this place is all but fun,

because we belong to everyone."

I look out at all 9 of them, the girls who live here. Nobody says a word. One by one, they each let a single tear fall, because they all know what I said is true. Today is pre-poetry day at the facility. We're supposed to practice what we're going to read for the obnoxious idiots who walk in here. They act all macho and entitled because that's what they're told. We're worthless and they're on top of the world. They walk in and observe us all quietly. When they pick someone, they usually pick her for her looks. They pay to "date" her. She of course has no say in this, but she does have a say in one thing: marriage. It would be kinda stupid to say 'No,' though. Marriage is our one way out of this dump.

"Can you repeat the phrase for me, Scarlet?" Margaret asks, in her usual venomous tone.

"I could, but why should I?" I liked taunting her a little bit. All of the people who boss us around are fun to mess with. I don't know why they call themselves caretakers; they don't do a very good job "caring" for us.

"Because we'll beat you senseless, that's why."

"Be my guest. But if you really must know, the saying is this: 'Every girl is useless until she is chosen. Every girl who thinks otherwise will be punished.'" I gave them a daring smirk. They hated when I did that.

"Don't look at me like that, young lady!"

"Ooh, 'young lady.' I thought I was 'useless trash.'" This was getting fun. I looked out at the other girls. Most of them were trying not to laugh, which didn't surprise me, since they usually enjoyed when I messed with our various authority figures. Since the all followed Margaret, she was the most fun to mess with.

"You are."

"Remembering our previous words are we? Tell me, at your old age, how hard was it?" Margaret gritted her teeth. She was really trying not to lose her temper this time. I could fix that.

"I am not old."

"Really? Are you sure? I mean, I know they didn't have them when you were growing up, but now they have these things called mirrors, and I think you should really use one." Now, anyone could walk in right now and criticise me and my smart mouth, but the way I see it, it's payback, or karma, or whatever for the way they treat us. Until they show us some respect, I'm going to throw insult after insult at them.

"Don't try my patience, trash."

"Aww, I've been demoted." I put on fake pout.

"Get off the stage."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll make you."

"Id like to see you try." I honestly saw these caretakers as combat training. I wasn't the prettiest, so I just planned on breaking out.

"That's it, caretakers, lets show this brat what it means to feel pain."

"Excuse me, I don't think I'm in the right place. Caretakers are supposed to be friendly?" A complete stranger walks in at just the right moment. I thought this was only supposed to happen in movies and stories.

"And that, girls, is the end of our play. Do you see how the tones of our voices changed with the mood?" Everyone nodded along, while I just walked to the room everyone but the caretakers shared. As I walked past the random stranger, I noticed he had short, black hair, and was pretty handsome, too. He would probably go for a long, straight haired brunette, or blonde girl, so with my wavy amber hair I wasn't going to be chosen by him. I paid him no further attention. In a quick motion he turned around and grabbed my wrist.

"I've made a choice. I want to date this girl."

(endof chapter)

I know that ending was probably strange and confusing but it will be explained I promise!!! The next chapter should be up pretty soon, considering most of this was prewritten as an English assignment :P I think that's all that really needs to be said, so, umm....... bye?

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