The Date

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“I don’t think you want to do that…..” Of course she’s against it, although I don’t really care. I’ll get out one way or another.

“I’ve made my choice, I’m choosing this girl, so here’s the money. We’re going on the first date now, and that’s final.”  He threw the money on the ground and stormed off, dragging me along with him. He has an expensive looking black car, so I assume he has money, but then again, what man doesn’t? He opens the passenger side door like a gentleman, which kind of surprised me.

“Don’t look so surprised. Those caretakers just really irritate me.”

“Same here.” He smirked a bit, before closing the door behind me and getting in himself. He drove swiftly away from the place, though I can’t blame him.

“So, do you care where we’re going?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

“Not really. Anywhere is better than that place.” I simply stated, looking at the sun as it begun its glorious descent through the sky. The rest of the ride was silent, which was fine by me. He parks beside an old oak tree, before getting out and starting to climb. I try to follow him up, but I don’t have much practice climbing things yet.

“Don’t you know how to climb?”

“Not really. They don’t give us much time for physical exercise, and the only time I get to climb is when I maneuver myself onto the roof so I can look out at the stars.”

“You can get yourself from a window ledge to the roof of a building, but you can’t climb a tree?”



“And where did you learn to climb, mr. Above Everyone Else?”

“It’s not that hard, and I’m not above everyone else. I’m just higher up than you are at the moment.” I finally make it up on top of the tree, just as the sun disappears under the horizon.

“So, what’s your story? What makes you, you?”

“Umm, I love reading and writing, I enjoy listening to music the few times we can, and I’m getting out of that place one way or another.”

“Interesting, I guess. What all do they teach you there?”

“Various useless classes, but I have a question for you. Why did you just walk right on into the place, grab me and take me out? I mean, It’s kind of obvious you know nothing about me, and I most certainly know nothing about you, so what makes you so entitled to me and my opinions?”

“I know everything about you. You’re name is Scarlet Hazel Everhart. You love writing everything you think and feel onto paper, but then you bury the book under a bush in the yard when they let you outside for the 20 minutes twice a day in the hopes you’ll get a tan. You don’t socialize with any of the other girls, especially the pretty ones, because you’re jealous of them, but mostly because you know you’ll never see them again. Every night you sing and cry on the roof of the building, hoping someone besides Margaret would notice, because she just tells you to get down before she pushes you off so you break an arm or a leg or something. You don’t care about the way you look because you are so sure that you’ll have to break yourself out of that place, even though all you want is to be chosen.” I just stare at him in awe. How could he know so much?

“I read it all in this.” He says holding up my journal.

“Wha-give that back!”

"Why should I? I always return it before you go to write in it again!"

"Is this what you do to all the girls you date? You make them believe you have the potential to be this amazing, mysterious person only to find out you read their journal?"

"Is that really what you think of me? Mysterious and amazing...I like it." I snatched the journal from him.

"Just get me back. The hour is probably almost over by now, and if you don't get me back exactly on time, you'll be stuck with a broken girlfriend."

"Yes, ms. Sassy Pants." I just muttered unbelievable under my breath before getting back into the car. The ride back was silent, which was good since I refused to acknowledge his existence. No one reads my journal and gets away with it, even if they are my only form of escape. As soon as he pulled up I just stormed out, I wasn't talking to him, and he wasn't talking to me.

"SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!!!" He managed to yell after me as he drove away. There's no way I'm going on another date with him. I'd rather break my way out of this prison. I swing the door open and slam it behind me. I don't care who it wakes up, I was hurt, and I was mad. I stormed through the room we all shared. I threw open the window and climbed onto the roof above. I just sort of sat there in my anger.

"Hey, I know you're Miss Independent and all, but, uh, any chance you could use some emotional support?"

"That depends, does emotional support come with a pillow to scream into, and some food?"

"Yeah, just a sec." She came back minutes later with a pillow, some crackers, and two glasses of water.

"I take crackers from them to feed the people they won't let eat. I figure I'm going to be here for a while, so why not be useful right?" I nodded before grabbing the pillow, laying back, and screaming into it.

"I'm going to assume the date didn't go well?"

"It went horribly."

"What did he do wrong?"

"So, around the end of the date he not only admitted to visiting this place regularly without coming in, but he also finds and reads my journal every time I write in it!"

"You have a journal?"

Hey guys, sorry for the late update, but here's another two chapters to make up for it ^,^

Stay awesome,


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