Royai Karaoke

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Royai Karaoke

Riza checked herself in the mirror one last time before nodding and decided that she looked good enough. Team mustang had invited her out to a karaoke bar to celebrate the completion of a tough case. She had skinny jeans on with thigh high black boots, and a red, plunging v neck neatly tucked in. She also had on a black belt so she could attach a gun holster onto it. She tied half of her hair back in a braid and let the rest fall loose around her shoulders.
Riza heard a knock at the door and opened it up to reveal Roy standing on the other side. He had a pair of black jeans on and a button down shirt.
"Hey, Hawkeye. You ready to go?" He asked.
She nodded and followed him out, closing the door behind her. They were pretty much silent in the car, except for a little bit of small talk. They pulled up to the brightly lit building where they saw the rest of team mustang waiting outside of the entrance.
"Hey hey!" Havoc greeted.
They all walked inside before pushing two round tables together by the stage.
"You didn't tell me it was karaoke on a stage like this!" Rebecca said.
"You'll be fine!" Havoc reassured her and took her hand to give it a squeeze.
"Hey hey hey! I'm Mikey and I'll be your MC. So here's how it works. Download our app to make it easier. If you want to sing, you can either come up to me and physically add your name to the queue or you can do it straight from the app. Then at the end of the night we take a vote and the winner gets a prize. We cool? Let's get goin!"
"Are you guys actually going to sing?" Roy asked.
"Nah. I came for the food." Breda said picking up the menu of appetizer munchies.
"I came just to support you guys." Falman said.
"We didn't come here to eat. We all should sing something." Hughes said.
"Fine. But only if Havoc sings with me." Breda smirked.
"I've got the app." Riza said pointing to her phone.
"What do you wanna sing?" Breda asked Havoc.
Havoc took the phone and went to the music search list. He selected something without showing anyone, and smirked.
"We got our first entry!" The MC announced.
"Also, order the large boneless buffalo wings, the toquitos, the nachos, and the giant pretzel!" Havoc called over his shoulder as he began to make his way up to the stage with Breda.
Roy rolled his eyes but put in their order through the app.
"What did he pick?" Hughes wondered.
"Guess we'll find out." Riza said taking a sip of her water.
The two made their way up to the microphones.
"What if I don't know the song?" Breda began to panic
"If you don't know this song, we can't be friends." Havoc laughed.
Soon the music came on. Instantly, everyone knew the tune and cheered.
Roy and Hughes were laughing so hard they were basically crying, and Riza and Rebecca couldn't even hold back laughter.
When they were done singing, they took a bow before high giving each other and making their way back to the table.
"Dude that was awesome!" Breda laughed as he took a seat.
"You guys really had fun up there." Roy smiled.
"I didn't know you could sing." Rebecca said.
"I mean that wasn't real singing, obviously." Havoc said as his cheeks turned pink.
"Who's next guys?" Breda asked.
The waitress brought over the food, and everyone started snacking right away.
Soon, Roy's phone rang. "I'll be back guys. Sorry." He said walking outside for a more quiet environment.
"Will you sing, Rebecca?" Riza asked.
"No. But I think you and Roy should." Rebecca winked and nudged her.
"That would be a fun duet!!!" Hughes said with his excitement barely contained.
Riza stood up and laughed. "I haven't sung in a very long time. I'm going to get a drink from the bar. Anybody need?"
Everyone shook their heads no and Riza made her way over to get a fresh glass of water.
"Well she didn't say no..." Hughes said smirking.
"She left her phone." Havoc pointed out.
"Does it have a passcode?" Breda asked.
"No. But it's unlocked already. She never locked it!" Rebecca realized.
"Guys, I don't thin —"
"Let's sign them up!" Hughes said grabbing the phone and cutting Fuery off.
Hughes began frantically typing before Rebecca nervously tapped his shoulder. "She's coming back!" She panicked.
Breda and Havoc looked at wash other before turning to Fuery.
"Go stall her!" They said practically pushing him off the chair.
"I got Roy!" Rebecca said rushing out the door.
Main stumbled up to a confused Riza as she held a tall glass of water.
"Sergeant? What's wrong? You look frazzled." She asked.
"I'm - I'm fine!" Fuery stuttered.
"Um, lets go back to the table." Riza said beginning to age around him.
"No! I uh..." Fuery stammered. He didn't want to go along with Hughes plan at all. He wasn't sure what to do. Soon he felt a hand yank him backwards, and Havoc stood in front of him.
"Hawkeye. Want to come with me for a smoke?" Havoc asked.
"No. I don't smoke, and you know that. I also don't necessarily approve of your habit either. I'm going back to the table." She said returning.
Havoc breathes a sigh of relief to see that Rizas phone was back where she left it and Rebecca and Hughes and Roy were all sitting and chatting.
They all took their seats and listened as other groups performed.
"Nice!!!" The MC cheered when the group of stage took a bow. "All right folks. Next up we got a Roy Mustang and a Riza Hawkeye doin a duet!"
Roy snapped his head to look at Hughes — knowing he was definitely the one behind this. Riza almost dropped her drink. She grabbed her phone and flipped through it and sure enough, the app showed that she had indeed signed her and Roy up to sing.
"Roy? Riza? You guys out there?" The MC asked.
"RIGHT HERE!" Rebecca and Hughes yelled.
They stood up and gave each other awkward looks before making their way to the stage. Roy didn't mind but Riza looked uncomfortable. She claimed she wasn't the singing type.
"Awesome! Let's get going!" The MC said pushing a few buttons.
"Wait what are we—" Roy whispered but was cut off by the start of the music. He recognized the song right away and took a deep breath before singing.
"When I was young, I fell in love. We used to hold hands, man, that was enough
Then we grew up, started to touch
Used to kiss underneath the light on the back of the bus
Oh no, your daddy didn't like me much
And he didn't believe me when I said you were the one
Oh, every day she found a way out of the window to sneak out late..."
Everyone was shocked by how soothing Roy's voice was. He stared at Riza the entire time he sang.
"She used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set
And every day you know that we ride
Through the backstreets of a blue Corvette
Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight
We can go anywhere we want
Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat
Just take my hand and come with me, yeah
We can do anything if we put our minds to it
Take your whole life then you put a line through it
My love is yours if you're willing to take it
Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it
So come away, starting today
Start a new life, together in a different place
We know that love is how these ideas came to be
So baby, run away, away with me."
Riza took a deep breath. It was her turn now. She looked at Roy and saw that he was giving her a look that seemed to say just say calm, you're ok. She smiled, and let herself enjoy the moment. She hadn't sang in a long time and she had never had time to truly feel at ease. She opened her mouth and began singing.
"Seventeen and we got a dream to have a family
A house and everything in between
And then, oh, suddenly we turned twenty-three
Now we got pressure for taking our life more seriously
We got our dead-end jobs and got bills to pay
Have old friends and know our enemies
Now I, I'm thinking back to when I was young
Back to the day when I was falling in love" Riza sang. With each note she became more relaxed and a smile grew on her face.
Roy was shocked when she sang. Her voice was beautiful. He never knew she could sing like that.
He joined her for the chorus and let them selves get lost in the music. Before they knew it the song was over and everyone stood up and cheered.
Roy took her into a hug before they took a small bow and exited the stage.
"I never knew you could sing like that Riza!!!" Rebecca exclaimed giving her friend a high five.
Riza only smiled and laughed before taking a sip of her water.
They all finished up the appetizers and watched a few more performances before he MC stood up.
"Alright alright pretty awesome night I think! Now go to your apps and vote on who YOU the audience thinks should win! Polls close in 5 minutes!" The MC sat down again and watched his computer screen.
5 minutes later, the MC stood back up. "Ok! We have our results!" Everybody cheered when the MC finished. "We actually have a record breaking win here tonight. It was unanimous. Every person who voted, voted for this duo. That being said, join me in congratulating- ROY MUSTANG AND RIZA HAWKEYE!!" The entire room erupted in cheers.
Roy and Riza went up to accept the little trophy and have their picture taken for setting a new record. Roy looked into his lieutenants eyes and saw that they had a sparkle in them that he hadn't really seen before. He wished he could see that look more. He would have to take her out more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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