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-- previously --

"We made a deal for me to, y'know, take over your body-" My eyes widened, and I quickly jumped away from her as she began dragging her sharp nails down my back. "I did not agree on that!!" She smirked, floating towards me as I took steps backwards. I doubt I'd be stopping anytime soon, seeing as there were no walls in the abyss but she grabbed my arm and gripped it tightly causing me to yelp.

Blood began trailing down my arm and dripped onto the floor below, she seemed unfazed as if she'd seen all the horrifying things in the world, which was probably true. "I'm not gonna say much, darling..."

"I told you already, I only want your soul."







Meliodas watched as Anna attempted to lunge at the three, but failing mid-step before she completely collapsed. Elizabeth knew something was wrong, so in a fit of worry and concern she ran over to aid the girl.

Diane called out for her to stop, claiming that she could get hurt but Elizabeth shook her head in denial. "Anna would never hurt me, nor us, not after that happened." They all knew what she was referring to, but decided to not to respond.

Hawk stood off to the side looking utterly terrified.

Meliodas had a distant look in his eyes as he watched Elizabeth pick up Anna, carrying her with ease as if she didn't weight much--which was possibly true. They didn't get far before the ringing of the bell went off, yet again.

Elizabeth yelped in surprise in pain as Anna jumped from her grasp, scratching the princesses arm in the process. Blood leaked and trailed like a river, but that wasn't the thing that concerned them.

Her blood was a dark blue, venom blue.

Unfortunately for Hawk and Elizabeth, the three sins had gone dazed under the control of the bell.

Elizabeth and Hawk watched in horror as they all began to battle each other, not sure on whether to run or help them. Elizabeth then winced as the unwanted pain from the wound came back, venom spilling like clear water and dripping onto the concrete with faint “drip, drop”s.

Elizabeth felt nauseous.

Hawk panicked, looking around to see if anything could be at use for the wound, unfortunately finding nothing. Huffing, he did the only thing he thought of.

“Elizabeth, forgive me for this.”

She seemed confused, about to open her mouth and ask why until she gasped in surprise. The sound of tearing of fabric surfaced through the air, besides the sounds of clashing in the background.

Hawk teared a piece of her dress off.

It was merely a piece of the bottom, enough to wrap and cover to wound to stop the bleeding. Hawk beamed, proud he had done something useful ever since this trip started.

Elizabeth rubbed his back in gratefulness, “Thank you so much, Hawk!” Hawk snorted in happiness.

“There you are!”

The sudden shout of a female startled the princess and pig, turning to look away from the fight and landing on a figure that ran towards them.

Her silhouette looked awfully familiar..


Then it clicked inside both their heads.


Said woman grumbled in response. “Obviously it's me, dumbass.” Nani seemed awfully grumpy.

Well, I mean it's not like she got chased by Holy Knights after threatening them.

Her appearance looked like she went through literal hell. She seemed out of breath as her flickered around before it landed on the fight.

“The hell..” Nani squinted to get a better look, eyes widening in shock when she caught sight of who was involved in the mist of it.

“Is that Anna!? I swear, when I'm done with her--!” Nani began to stalk forward towards the fight, ignoring Hawk's and Elizabeth's cries for her to “stop, it's too dangerous”.

Nani was just as stubborn as Anna.

Hawk and Elizabeth sighed in defeat, letting the warrior do as she pleased.

The sins didn't notice her, obviously under the control of the spell that made them delusional. As she neared the chaos, a sudden bright light sent her flying back from the impact of wind.

The sins did as well, seemingly snapped out of the spell for now as they squinted their eyes to see the source of light. What they saw made their eyes widened and hearts accelerate.

There stood Anna, but it wasn't any old normal Anna.

It was Demon Anna.

They all cursed, already knowing it wasn't gonna be easy dealing with her.

D! Anna examined her body, from hands to legs and touching of the face. She then began to chuckle, but those chuckled were quick to turn into insane laughter. “Finally, this body is mine!

As she began to calm down to from her laughing fit, she caught sight of 5 people below. Smirking, she levitated into the air and stared down at them.

Well, well, well. Looks like I have new toys to play with, don't disappoint me now.


word count : 838

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