told you doctor

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"hang on" the doctor said as the gravity failed my hands slipped I held on to the rope I saw the knot was slipping it came undone I closed my eyes waiting to be nonexistent I stopped had I finished falling I opened my eyes the doctor had caught me soon enough we got out

"Well that was fun" the doctor said

"Well anyways I better get going" I said

"Hang on how did you get here?" I asked

"TARDIS" he said

"TARDIS ha how have you got a TARDIS?" I said

"I have for hundreds of years" he said

"You can't be older than 120 with plastic surgery that's about the life span of humans" I said

"I am not human"

"Then what are you?" I asked


"No you’re not" I yelled and walked away when I was out of sight then I pulled the TARDIS charm the one that shrunk

 "HEY" I heard someone yell I turned around it was the doctor I started to feel dizzy I was able to clip the charm back on before I collapsed

I woke up ok how was I on the TARDIS I got up my head pounded I fell back onto the bed then the door opened and the doctor walked in

"Good you’re up" he said getting out his sonic he pointed it at me and scanned me he looked at the sonic screwdriver

"This must be buggered up its saying you’re a time lord stupid thing" he said whacking it in his hand

"No it's correct but I swore I was the last one" I said then I felt a pain in my gut why was I regenerating I wasn't dying

"Doctor what happened to me when I fell" I asked holding my chest

 "Um you sort of fell on top of a snorpian nest" he said ok that’s why a snorpian is sort of like a snake cross scorpion with 24 hour death venom

"I still don't believe you’re a time lord though" he said

"Give me a minute then you will" I said then bent over in pain

"hang on I'll get you to a hospital" he said running off I followed him to the console he started flicking switches and the TARDIS started moving ugh I pressed one of the buttons stabilizing the TARDIS then I started glowing gold

"told ya doctor" I said as I felt the change  I curled up into a ball then burst out spreading my arms out then fell to the ground I'm always tired after regeneration I couldn't stay awake my eyes dropped I woke up I was back in the room I sat up regen check legs? Yup 2 arms? Uh huh 2 eyes ears mouth yep yup yea I got up and looked in the mirror my hair is blood red half way down my back and brown eyes lovely I look older too I got changed into a white shirt, jeans, black converse and a white beanie hang on I'm missing something head feet hands shoes shirt necklace wait where's my necklace I searched the room then I walked out and found the console room

 "Doctor Necklace where?" I said walking down the stairs

"Ah Skylar your-" he started to say

 "WHERE'S MY NECKLACE!” I yelled he went into his pocket

"Seams very important to you why?" he asked I snatched it off of him

"This is why" I said taking of the sonic charm first and it turned into a sonic I flipped it in the air he caught it and looked at it I smiled at his amusement

"oh and" I said and took of the TARDIS charm placing it on the ground then played with the one on the necklace the one on the ground grew to normal size

"hang on that it was so small but how?" he asked and tried to open the door I laughed and gave him the key he ran around I leant on the door frame he walked over to me

"Ok so you’re a time lord with a sonic and a TARDIS but we never met" he said tears started falling down his cheeks I put my hands on his shoulders

"Doctor what's wrong?" I asked

"I-I swore I w-was the l-last one" he said looking at me

"so did I doctor" I said we got off my TARDIS and I shrunk it back down and put it on my necklace I sat Down on one of the chairs looking at the doctor as he paced around the console then over to me putting his hands on the back of the chair pushing it back his face an inch away from mine I looked In his eyes his beautiful big green eyes wait did I just say beautiful I just met him not even 24 hours ago but he is so, so ugh there’s no words to explain then I realized he was talking to me

"But how" he said searching my eyes he looked so cute when he's confused

"I don't know" I said he pressed his forehead against mine

"you are" he said then walked off well after that I never left it’s been 4 months I think hard to tell in the TARDIS every time I laid in bed the previous night telling myself that tomorrow I leave then the next morning I'll walk down to the console room is look into his big beautiful green time lord eyes then I wouldn't be able to leave I'd just smile and ask

"what's next" then I would go with him Rory and Amy, Amy is really nice we always muck around she is married to Rory yeah there’s a long story about that I'm not going to tell well they was having a lazy day today we took them home for the day

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