im where and a WHAT

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I woke up I was on a bed but something was different I wasn’t on a TARDIS I pulled off the blanket I had a tail not like animal tail mermaid tail I was under water I could breathe I went to get my sonic off of my necklace but I didn’t have it on I soon taught myself how to use my tail and swam out the door until I found someone

“Where am I?” I asked

“Atlantica princess” he said

“Why did you call me princess?’ I asked

“Because you married to the king princess” he replied

“Stop calling me princess I’m not married I’m not even a fish” I said “oh and where’s my necklace” I said

“Put away” he said then swam off  

“well you were helpful” i said then someone wrapped his arms around my waist I turned around it was another mermaid well merman he went to kiss me but I moved out of the way

“Come on baby” he said and went to kiss me

“Sorry I’m engaged” I said pushing him away he grabbed my wrist pulling me to him

“No your married and to me” he said I got away from him and swam away as fast as I could I swam to the surface I saw a beach in the distance I swam towards it I reached the pier I saw the doctor

“DOCTOR” I called and he ran over

“Yes I’m the doctor” he said

“It’s me its Skylar help me look at me” I said showing him the tail

“What happened?” he asked

“I don’t know I got dragged away and I’m supposably married to some fish king” I said I saw he was a bit disturbed by that

“I love you” I said

“I love you too” he said then picked me up

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Um carrying you to the TARDIS” he said

“Doctor Put me down you can’t take me I’m a fish” I said he put me back in the water

“I don’t want to lose you again” he said then I saw two mermen coming towards us

“I have to go come and save me like you always do” I said then went to kiss him but got pulled under

the water “GET OFF ME” I shouted at them I managed to shake them off then sprung out of the water onto the pier I kissed the doctor 

“Bye doctor” I said

“It’s not bye its see you later” he said and kissed my forehead I dove into the water and followed the guard mermen back to Atlantica  they took me to a large room with two thrones one in which the king was sitting they pulled me over to him

“Welcome home princess” he said looking at me

“I’m no princess of yours” I snapped he smiled

“But you are though” he said swimming over to me and cupping my face in his hands I pushed him away

“Don’t touch me” I said

“Ok princess come on time for lunch” he said I followed him to a table and chairs oh fuck how do I sit with a tail? I watched him sit down ok try and copy him I sat on the furthest chair from him and someone brought out some seaweed shit and oysters

“I’m not eating that” I said 

“But why not?” he asked

“I don’t eat seaweed or oysters”

“Then what do you eat” he asked

“Um prawns” I said

“Well I’m not letting you starve” he said “prawns for the princess please” he said to one of his servants they went and got me a plate of prawns I ate them then got up “where are you going?” he asked getting up himself and swimming over to me “for a walk hang on no got no feet swim going for a swim” I said

“I’ll come with you” he said I swam off and back to the beach “AMY” I yelled she ran over “Skylar is that you?” she asked

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