title of your story

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“When I fell over before I must have cut it” I said

“On what?”

“Uh t-Rex tooths?” I said and Rory knelt down beside the doctor cleaned up the wound then wrapped it “thanks” I said

“No problem” he said and helped me up I leaned on the doctor for support then fell the doctor caught me

“Piggy back?” he asked I nodded he got up and Rory helped me onto his back soon we got to a room we walked in and the door gate thing closed before Rory could get in the doctor put me down on a chair m head was thumping soon I drifted off to sleep I felt myself being put down I opened my eyes “where am I?” I asked

“On my ship” someone said it was a man he looked pretty old

“Where’s the doctor?” I asked

“Gone” he said

“Take me back to him NOW” I demanded he got up and pressed me against the wall with his crutch thing

“You’re my possession you will not talk to me like that” he said

“Ok” I said he let go and I sat in the corner crying

“Ok first of all where is Skylar?” I heard someone say I looked up

“Doctor” I choked out through my tears he came over to me

“Did he hurt you?” he asked I shook my head

“Good” he said and kissed me

 “Now here’s what’s happening missiles headed to the Silurian ship well this really” he said holding a green thing

“You couldn’t get away because of the magnetic hold” he said pulling out his sonic I went over to him he wrapped an arm around me and we teleported back to the other ship

“Rory, Amy take Skylar to the TARDIS and get her some sleep” he said then gave me a tight hug

“See you soon” he said and kissed me

“Don’t leave me again” I said looking down he lifted my chin to look at him

“Don’t say that I’m keeping you safe now go please” he said I wrapped my arms around his neck

“If you’re not back within 10 minutes I’m coming looking for you” I whispered in his ear

Then Rory and Amy helped me to the TARDIS and the doctor’s room I laid down in his bed I wanted him with me but I drifted off to sleep too easily I woke up I had been asleep for 3 hours I got up and ran into the console room the doctor was there

“DOCTOR” I yelled running down the steps he turned around I jumped into his arms

“Sleep well?” he asked

“I guess” I said he pressed his lips to mine I ran my hand through his hair and he slipped his tongue over my bottom lip I let him slip his tongue into my mouth

“Guys you have a room for a reason” Amy said making us pull apart I started to blush so I hid my face in the doctors neck

“you and Rory do to but you sit there making out around the TARDIS” the doctor said I giggled “but I guess we could” he said picking me up he carried me to his room and put me on his bed and climbed on top of me and pressed his lips to mine I wrapped my arms around his neck and we made out for a bit it ended up me laying on top of him listening to his hearts beat as he played with my hair

“I really missed you doctor” I said

“I missed you too” he said and kissed my forehead “I love you Skylar Marie” 

“I love you too doctor” I said then the TARDIS started to shake we got up and ran to the console “Amy what did you touch?” the doctor yelled running around the TARDIS console

“Nothing” she replied I went over and pressed the blue stabilizers

“What did you do?” the doctor asked popping his head from behind the console

“Pressed the stabilizers” I said

“Oh ok” he said then wrapped his arms around me pressing his lips to my neck

“So where are we going today?” Rory asked

“I was thinking the beach” the doctor said

We all agreed then went and got changed then walked down stairs with Amy we walked outside Rory and the doctor were putting down some towels I walked over to the doctor “what ya doing?” I said startling him

“you are dead” he said I ran off him chasing after me I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me to the ground on top of him he didn’t let me go

“RAPE” I yelled and everybody looked at us

“No not rape” the doctor said and they went back to what they were doing

“don’t tempt me” he whispered I giggled then we got up and went over to Rory and Amy I sat down on one of the towels we ate some lunch then I wanted to go for a swim do I took off the dress so did Amy I grabbed the sunscreen and handed it to the doctor

“Please?” I asked he smiled then rubbed the sunscreen on my back and shoulders

“thanks” I said and kissed him I got up then ran into the water and dove under I felt something grab my leg and started to pull me down I tried to swim to the surface I managed to kick it off then swim to the surface

“DOCTOR” I shouted before I was dragged back under I couldn’t kick it off this time everything went blurry then black

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