Chapter 2

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A/n: just a warning to those who are new to my writing. I do write swears/strong language. So if you are uncomfortable with that, just ignore it or don't read. Sorry about that but it's just my style. Anyway. Enjoy this very overdue chapter! :)


In a white room, filled with nothing but empty space, you find yourself alone. The feeling of abandonment and confusion arise within you as you pace around.

"Hello?", you call out. Hoping someone will hear you, "hello?!".

You start to pick up the speed from your pace. Entering a jog that transforms into a run the more you panic. As you search the never-ending room for a soul. The feeling of dread consumes you along with the uncomfortable feeling of being lost. You don't even remember how you got here! 

"HELLO?! SOMEONE! "You cry. Panting hard as you search.

"I've been waiting a long time for you, my dear" a voice answered.

You stop running and spin around in circles, nearly tripping over in the process, looking for the source. Relief feels you. Knowing you're not alone in a strange room. But you still feel dread for not being able to find the source of the voice. Where are they?!

"Hello? Where are you?! "you yell out.

"I never expected for it to take this long... " the voice answered back. You spin around a find a stairway leading up. You run up the steps.

"... So many people have waited for you. But now I've found you", the voice is a deep male voice full of wisdom. As if they hold great knowledge within the world yet sound kind and friendly. Like they only have the best intentions for your wellbeing. But his tone holds an underlying sadness that sends chills down your spine. Why is he so sad? Where ever is he? What's going on?!

You don't know if you should fear what the voice is saying or take comfort in knowing the voice doesn't want to harm you. So, you simply ignore him and focus rather on the need of getting close. The sudden need to be next to someone in the strange room as to eliminate the feeling of being vulnerable.

"You don't understand how special you are" the man chuckled in a bittersweet tone. "but all will be explained in due time... ".

You make it to the top of the long stairs way. That seems to keep going and going and going. Once you reach the top, feeling the sweat drip down your forehead, you halt and stare at the big moon that shines brightly. That provides the peace and comfort you've been longing for. It's then you realise that you're no longer in a white room but rather on a stairway in the sky. With clouds passing by.

"... Just have hope, my dear" the voice request.

The stairs vanish. The sense of tranquillity and peacefulness disappeared as you feel yourself falling and falling and falling. You scream out. Reaching out for the moon. Seeing in the corner of your eye a darkness that spreads quickly and swallows you up.

"... Just have hope"

"no no no no wait please, I don't understand! NO! WAIT! AH! " you cry out. Shooting up in bed, panting hard from the strange dream you had. 

Sitting upright, you're able to see that you're in your room and not in a white room. You check your clock that displays the time of 1:45 am. You sigh as you push the covers off and go to the bathroom. Disturb to feel yourself all sweaty and how your clothes cling to your body.

Once you finish splashing water on your face to wake up. You slowly walk back to your room. Questioning your dream as you go. Why would you dream of the moon like that? And why would the moon sound so sad talking to you? What did the moon even mean? It sounded like you were friends but that doesn't make sense! It's the moon! It shouldn't even be sad! You shake your head. Deciding to ignore it. It was just a dream.

No harm in it, right?

You walk past your sibling's room once more, ignoring how they left the window open, letting the moonshine through along with a man's shadow looming over them. As your steps echo throughout the hall as you walk back to your room, you think to yourself on how you won't be able to fall back to sleep after that nightmare. Maybe you can look up what dreaming of a moon means instead of sleep-

Man's shadow?!

You spin around and enter your sibling's room quickly. Watching as a man, not a shadow, leans above your sibling. Watching in glee of how your sibling whimpers in fear. Not likely how close the man is to your sibling, you call out. Loud enough to wake up your parent's and gain the man's attention.


The man snaps towards you. Golden eyes glowing within the dark that seems to... get darker? As if the moonlight got blocked out completely. Which doesn't make sense since you just saw the moonlight not that long ago. You swallow nervously as the man's smile is wide. A confident aura surrounds him and you realise you don't have a plan on confronting this man. What do you do now?! Throw your bunny slipper at him?!

"Get away from my s-sister/br-brother!" you cry out again, but your voice falters at the end. Showing how nervous you are.

The man appears shocked. Leaving your sibling side to get a closer look at you.

"You can...see me?" He questions.

You flinch from his actions of going closer. His eyes widened as he let out a disbelief chuckle.

"You believe and you're scared..." he whispers happily.

A tense silence falls over you two. Not daring to move a muscle. You notice horses made from black sand emerge on both sides of you. Slowly creeping forward. Unable to think as the fear you feel strongly takes over. Telling you that you're in danger and you're going to die. You take a step back and the horses stop closing in. You look between them before turning to the man. 

"A teenager seeing me?" the man breaths out in disbelief. You don't fully understand the meaning of his words but you know it doesn't mean anything good. 

A thick tense tension falls over the room. As you try to calm your loud breathing while the man watches you in glee. Smiling widely, letting you see his white teeth. You don't understand what's happening. Nor can you, as your mind is running a mile a minute. Not allowing you a second to try to think this through. All you can see is a man staring intently at you while hearing the two horses huffs. The silences feel like it goes on for centuries but it doesn't. It only lasts for a few seconds until the man speaks up.

"You're coming with me" He commands. As the horses jump at you.

You duck in time as the horses jump at you, making them collide and disappear with a blast of black sand. You quickly roll out of the room and run towards the backdoor. Not knowing where else to go but going along with the panic that flows in your veins and is screaming at you to RUN.

'OH god oh god oh god who the hell was that?' you scream in your head. Running in your backyard as another black horse with golden eyes appears in front of you. Coming to halt, you slip and fall to the ground. You jump up and run around your house to the street, sacred to hear a 'neigh' so close behind you. Another horse stops you from running towards the right. "Shit!" you curse as you turn and run the other direction of the street. Ignoring the pain from your (sock cover/bare) feet as you continue to run. 'Why the hell are their horses chasing after me?! What the hell is going on?' you question the logic that's happening as you continue to run.

'Oh god, please let this be a dream!' you plead as you continue to run, feeling sweat drip down the side of your head. 

You hear the hooves of two horses stomping loudly. Only for them to stop as you get lifted. You scream in fear as the horses transform into black sand to lift you and trap you in a bubble of sorts. "LET ME GO YOU WEIRD BLACK SAND SHITS!" you scream as you push and shove the black sand only for it to fly around you again.

"Stop struggling" the man's voice warns in concern, which you feel like doesn't fit with what's happening but then again you're being lifted by black sand. Nevertheless, you don't listen as you squirm and wiggle fiercely in the hold. "You're going to fall!" As the man yells out, the black sand disappears. Sending you falling down, down and down. 

Onto a pile of fresh soft snow.  

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