Chapter 5: Good Friends..

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(Basement! Gerard Way x Reader)

I hated it. I hated it when people made fun of him. Calling him names, slipping means notes in between the grates of his locker, pushing him around. I hated it. He was an innocent kid who liked to draw. What did he ever do to those asses, anyway? I sighed. Gerard Way was a kid in my high school who loved to draw and could draw forever. He was amazing at it, as some kids I knew that knew him said. Superheroes, villains, monsters, anything under the sun. You name it, he could most likely draw it. Not only did he have the talent of drawing but, unfortunately, he also had a talent of attracting bullies. Well, that's not much of talent though, is it? Often, he would sit alone at lunch tables or in the back of the classrooms, just doing enough work to get by. I didn't feel sorry for him. Now, I empathized with him. I knew what it was like to get pushed around, hell, it still happens sometimes. I just learned to deal. However, I couldn't just standby and let them be cruel to Gerard. After all, he was an innocent kid and didn't deserve what the kids did to him. Today, we were in class and Gerard was all the way in the back beside the window, as usual. The teacher was late and when a substitute came in, everyone moved around and Gerard seemed to stiffen, looking up briefly. I met his gaze and I smiled kindly at him, waving. Gerard blinked and gave a shy wave, going back to his sketchbook and I sighed a bit. A wave, that was good, right? I grabbed my own sketchbook and pencil and moved to in front of Gerard's desk. He looked up and I smiled kindly at him, asking.

"Is it ok if I sit here?"

Gerard replied kind of quietly.

"I...I don't mind.."

I smiled at him and sat down, moving the chair in front of his desk and I asked him, looking at his sketchbook.

"You're very talented, Gerard. How long have you been drawing?"

He widened his eyes and a light dusting of pink covered his pale cheeks.

"I...I've been drawing for a while..."

I smiled more and asked him, tilting my head a bit.

"Can I see some of them?"

Gerard seemed hesitant and I responded, setting my sketchbook down in front of his.

"You don't have to show me any, I was just wondering. Here. I, uh...I like to draw too."

Gerard blinked and then opened my sketchbook, his hazel eyes widening a bit and he complimented.

"You're really good. How long have you been drawing?"

"Like you said, a while."

I smiled at him and he gave me a shy smile, sliding my sketchbook to me and I asked him, looking down at the current drawing he was making.

"Who are you creating right now?"

Gerard answered, starting to go back to drawing.

"Just a random person."

"Well, surely they have a name though, right?"

Gerard looked up and shrugged. He then paused and looked up.

"How do you know my name...if you don't mind me asking, of course?"

I facepalmed and replied, blushing in embarrassment and rubbing my arm.

"I know your name because you're in my class, silly. What kind of person would I be if I didn't know my own class-mates name?"

Gerard blushed and murmured, looking away.

"I don't know your name..."

I smiled at him and replied.

"Yeah, I guess I should have told you that the moment I got over here, huh. The name's (Y/n)."

He looked over and just stared at me for a moment. Then, a small smile formed on his face. Right as he was about to say something, the bell rang for lunch and I stood up, asking him.

"Do you want to get lunch with me and sit with me?"

Gerard asked me, his voice still kind of quiet.

"You wouldn' wouldn't mind me doing that?"

"Of course not, Gee. We're friends, right?"

I gave him a friendly smile once more and he seemed a bit taken back when I asked him that. He looked down a bit and then nodded, saying.

"I mean if you want to one's really bothered to me really or attempt to be my friend..."

I softened my gaze and I replied.

"Don't worry, Gee. I'm not gonna make fun of you or judge you. That would be wrong of me. After all, I know how you feel."

He looked at me, eyes wide.

"You do?"

"Of course I do. I've been bullied a lot. Hell, I still get pushed around. It's nothing new."

I walked with him, saying while shaking my head.

"But we shouldn't focus on that. We should get to know each other, yeah?"

Gerard nodded and I smiled at him, asking him.

"So, what's your favorite comic book?"

A small smile formed on his face as he started to talk about what comic books he liked and which ones he had. We told each other our favorite colors, our favorite bands, what we liked to do, all of that stuff. By the end of lunch, it was like we were old friends seeing each other once more. Gerard still had his walls up though, and usually just gave small answers but it was progress on getting him comfortable to be himself, nonetheless. When we parted ways to go to our different classes, I was a bit bummed as talking to him was fun. However, at the end of the day, when I put my stuff in my locker, I found a piece of paper inside. Unfolding it, I gasped and smiled widely. The paper was a sketch of me, comic book style with the title of 'The Friendship Keeper'. It was signed by Gerard and an arrow pointed to the back. You flipped it over and smiled as you read the back.


I wanted to gift you thanks for being my friend. I've never really had one of those before...but I'd like to hang around you more often if that's ok? I guess what I'm trying to say is (well, get to the point really) is thanks.

Sincerely, Gerard.

P.S. Batman is better.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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