Nothing but an empty soul

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There are those who have died... there are those who have survived...and the end they know their fate.

Destiny use to be a thing worth fighting for... now it's nothing...

So why? Why am I still surviving? It's simple really... I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid to be called a coward. Pain doesn't bother's the outcome of that pain...

So why? Why am I walking down this lonely road, with the sunset setting right beside me. There's nothing here but and empty field...a view houses but that's it.

I came up to this one house. It had holes in it...the building itself was falling apart. There probably wasn't a lot in here, but it was worth a peak or two. I opened the door to see something I wasn't expecting... a girl laid down on the floor. Her eyes had dark circles under them...she looked pale too. Skinny to the bone, she probably hasn't eaten in a while. My eyes caught sight of something interesting... she had been bitten... however the bit mark had healed...


The girl slowly opened her eyes to see me in front of her. She tried to stand up, only to see her hands were tied. I took notes...she had orange hair. A blue bandana on the top of her head, her eyes, brownish...I couldn't help but stare at them.

"Who are you? Let me go" She demanded.

"I should be the one asking you questions... how long have you've been bitten?" She looked down at her wrist of her left hand...then back at me. "Four weeks"

My eyes widened. "Four weeks? That's impossible, after being bitten, you turn in five hours..."

"I know that, however I was bitten four weeks ago and didn't turn. That's the honest to notch truth".

I looked at her arm. The scar was clearly a bit two ways about it. A question came into my head then. I looked straight at the girl.

"Are you immune to the walkers bites? Answer honestly"

"......I'm not sure". I stared at her for a couple of seconds...deciding rather to spare her life or kill her.

I stood up with knife in hand. I walked behind her and started to cut her lose. The girl looked at me after she was free. "Don't worry, I was just leaving" I spoke as I started to walk towards the door. "Wait, it's night...won't those things be out there" she asked.

"As far as I see it, we are already outside. The moment they hear you're voice, they'll start ripping the rest of the walls in half til there inside... you'll be safer if you come with me. I know a safe haven not far from here."

"Why would you help me? We only just met."

"That's a good question. Why should we trust each other? You could shoot me any second..."

The girl looked to her side to see her supplies...a plain pistol laid beside her backpack. She then looked back at me.

I then raised my knife in front of me. "Then again I could also stab you in the back... I may be heartless...but I'm not that heartless" I opened the door and started to walk out.

I was shocked to look behind me and see the girl running to catch up with me. I looked at her for a couple of seconds and spoke. "Jesse"

"What was that?"
" name is Jesse, you don't have to tell me yours if you don't want to"
"Well Petra keep quiet...because it's about two mile walk...and the moon is up"

2 hours later

It was too quiet. All I could hear was the sound of are footsteps. I looked behind me too see the gi-...Petra still following me. I looked in front of me and stopped. Petra wasn't paying attention and bumped into me. "What's wrong?" She whispered. "We are here". I walked forward and pushed a bush out of the way.

A small town that was surrounded by a metal fence stood. I looked back at Petra. "Cover it up, the bite". She looked down at her arm. "I don't really have anything...". I rolled my eyes and took out a bandage in my backpack. I grabbed her hand gently and started to warp it around her wrist. She made a face, "what's wrong?"
"It doesn't feel comfortable"
"The bandage is probably rumbing against the tiny bite marks..."

I finished and put what was left back in my backpack. "Let's go" I said. We walked up to the front gate. On the gate was a little buzzer. I pressed it. "Who is it?" Someone asked. "My name is Jesse Jones and Petra...." I looked at the girl. "Jackson". "Petra Jackson, we were wondering if we could rest here for the night."

"Well, I know who you are Jesse since you've been here before...however the girl will need a checkup to see if she's infected".....oh notch...this girl was going to be the reason for a so called 'no sleep tonight'.

"What kind of checkup?" Please just be a look up and down like it was with me. "Look up and down, look at gear, supplies, checking under bandages or shirts-"

"Actually, we'll find a different place to rest for the night"
"You sure Jesse?"
"Positive, besides I- we need to get a move on"
"Good luck to the both of you survivors then."

Petra looked down towards the ground. "I can sleep outside you know".
"No, like I said...I'm not that heartless. Come on, there's a abandoned shack nearby"

We walked in the forest for a little while til we came to this rundown shack...the only thing was that there was a Walker outside of it. I looked at Petra and leaned towards her ear. "Stay right here, I'll handle the walker". She nodded.

I walked up to the stupid thing. It growled and started to charge towards me. I quickly dodged the Walker. It tripped. I quickly stabbed my knife into its neck. The thing quickly died without a sound. After it dropped to the ground Petra came up to me. "I didn't know they had a weak point"
"Back of the neck, one day while I was fighting one of them...I stabbed them in that spot... they easily died." that I think about it, that story wasn't as heroic as I remembered.

I opened the door and walked inside with Petra right behind me. "We'll have to sleep on the floor. I'll stay up for an hour to make sure no other Walker comes nearby." I said as I sat down against a wall. Petra sat down next to me. "You sure?" She asked.
"Just go to sleep already".

1 hour later
I stared at Petra as she slept. What was I going to do with her? Why did she have to become my responsibility? Maybe Duke...over at the neighborhood may know of a place to take her...because if she was immune to the bites and we could make a cure to the bites... we maybe able to end this apocalypse...that's the only reason I'm helping her...for my own survival.

Suddenly she leaned against my shoulder. Oh no no no...this is not become-...then again she did feel a little cold.

I sighed. Curse my stupid heart and it's emotions. I let her lean against my shoulder. Before I knew it I started to fall asleep.

This was the beginning...the beginning of are longest journey ever.

--------------------------------------------------------- HEY JETRA FANS!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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