Spanking [3]

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You woke up back in the crib. Noah was watching over you.
"You had a good mid-day nap baby." He said. You tried to speak to say something - just something! But you realised you had a huge pacifier in your mouth. You took it out and started to talk.

"Get me out of here!" You shouted.
"You maniac! I'm not a fucking baby!" You continued, scrabbling at the crib's walls. "Get me out!"

His smile suddenly turned cold. He frowned, gritting his teeth.
"Bad, bad boy." He seethed.
He opened the crib door and lifted you up, harder this time and put his hand over your mouth to muffle your screams. He picked up the pacifier and carried you over to the stool.

He rested your stomach on his lap and put the pacifier back in your mouth. You tried to spit it out but he just pushed it against your mouth and held it in place. You heard him grunt angrily as you felt him rub a substance around the area of your diaper and pulled your diaper down effortlessly to your thighs. With one hand keeping your pacifier in your mouth, and the other in the air, he threw his hand down on your butt cheeks and slapped them. Your screams were muffled by the pacifier and his hand.

"You broke a rule. You must never speak to Daddy like a grown-up. You must always speak to him as a baby. Because you are a baby." He grunted. "I'm going to take your pacifier out. You have to speak like a baby. I'm going to spank you 20 times, and you have to repeat the number each time." He demanded. "By the end of your punishment, you're going to speak like a baby. Got it?" He asked.

He pulled your pacifier out as you gasped for air.
"Y-Y-Yes..." you respond.
He slaps your ass. You squeal.
"Yes who?" He says.
"Y-Yes N-Noah." You respond.
He slaps your ass harder.
"You don't call me that." He grunts angrily. He slaps your ass hard again. You squeal. "You call me Daddy. Now count." He ordered.

He slapped your ass once.

He spanked you 20 times, and by the time he reached 20, you had tears in your eyes.

"Twenty." You cried.
He pulled your diaper back up and you felt him reapply the liquid. He turned you around and sat you on his lap so that he was facing you. His eyebrows were furrowed.

"Follow Daddy's Rules. And you won't get punished." He grunted.
You nodded as he wiped the tears from your eyes. He sat you down on the stool and stood up.
"I'll be back in a second." He said.

You blinked heavily, looking at the room again. Your room. The one with baby toys and baby things. You felt an erection in your diaper again. You blushed, but Noah wasn't there to see.

No, not Noah, you thought. Daddy.
You realised you kind of liked it. Also, you didn't want a punishment again. The bruises on your butt were still sore and they really hurt being pushed into the diaper fabric.

You heard his footsteps get closer and watched as he came through the cage door and closed it behind him. He was carrying your milk bottle, which had been refilled and he had a bowl and a baby themed spoon in his hand. As he got closer you realised the bowl contained a mushy, brown and green porridge-looking dish. You gagged internally. You were not eating that.

"Get off the stool." He ordered.
"Yes Daddy." You responded.
Did you just?
Yep. You did.

You saw him smile as you climbed off the stool.
"Good boy." He praised. You blushed. He patted his lap.
"Come on baby." He ordered. You climbed up onto his lap as he ordered. He put the soup down at the side and pulled your back into his chest. He wrapped his arm around you so you couldn't move.

He then picked the soup back up and put it on your lap. It was hot.
"Ouch!!" You muttered.
"Shhh. Don't worry. It'll cool down in a minute." He reassured. He then put the milk bottle between his knees and held the bowl steady, before scooping the mush out of the bowl with the spoon.

He put it toward your mouth. You turned your head and squirmed your lips.
"Baby, this is your food today. You've gotta eat to become healthy and be a big strong boy some day. Daddy knows best." He said, as he put the mush in your mouth. You swallowed reluctantly. It didn't taste good.

He then proceeded to keep scooping the mush up and putting it into your mouth, with a different noise or sound each time.
"Neooooooooooom!!" He said, as he rocketed the mush into your mouth.
"Pppfffthhhthht" He continued as he drove the mush into your mouth.
You couldn't stop giggling. He was tickling you too so that you kept opening your mouth. He eventually finished putting the mush in your mouth and put the bowl aside.

"Awh. You've got it all down you! Daddy has to clean you up now." He said, grabbing a wet towel from behind him. You giggled as he scrubbed your chest clean of the mush and scrubbed around your mouth. He then laid you into his arms and grabbed the warm milk in the bottle.

You easily sucked on the bottle this time as he held it in your mouth, gulping down the warm sickly liquid. You finished the bottle and burped as he pulled it out of your mouth. He bounced you up and down and placed you on the carpet floor.
"Daddy will be back soon." He said as he switched the TV onto a channel with a remote. It was playing some baby nursery rhymes. He took the control with him and closed the cage gate, leaving you to watch the TV.

"Your New Daddy" - Noah Centineo x Male Reader [ddlb]Where stories live. Discover now