Chapter Ten

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                        The Teaching Bell jolts me out of my sleep. I scramble out of bed. The events from last night filling my head as I’m walking down the hall. I glance at Piper out of the corner of my eye. Her features rest with no emotion.

I push that fear out of my mind and focus on my biggest problem. The napkin resting between my waistband and skin. How can I hide it from the Official? The first time I was able to keep it clenched in my fist. Will that work a second time? Especially when she seems to be watching me closer than ever?

I slip into the room, the door immediately shutting behind me. I ball up the cloth in my fist, hoping she doesn’t notice. I quickly undress and make my way to the shower room.

She stops me, holding out her hand.

I stare at her, forcing my face blank. 

She whispers, “The napkin. Now.”

I clench my teeth together. Do I give it to her? Is she certain that I have it or is she bluffing to get me to admit it?

She glares at me and motions to my fisted hand. I wince and drop the napkin into her cupped fingers. She nods and moves out of the way. I stumble into the showers.

Two days in a row she’s caught me. She knew. How? Has she been watching me? Why hasn’t she turned me in yet? She hasn’t done anything but look the other way as I break rule after rule.


The same questions pound through my head, leading me in circles. Can I trust her? Should I trust her anyway? This is her third opportunity to turn me in, yet she hasn’t.

Even if she hasn’t turned me in, there have to be cameras or some form of surveillance here. They must have seen the napkin as well. Why am I still here?

The showers end and I stride out, trying to seem more confident than I am. My Renewal Official is blank, back to the formality that Officials are supposed to posses.

She sends me off to Morning Meal, leaving me with all the same questions.

The day passes away, the same Teachings, the same monotonous lessons. What’s today’s event for the Gratitude Ceremony? I keep a careful eye out for Ellen lurking in any Teachings, but I don’t see her. What can I expect? Who else will be dragged away? I need to be sure to fall for nothing. Keep my mouth shut and blend in with the rest of the girls.

As we ride the escalator up to Free Hour, I’m sure to position myself directly behind Dana. I need to tell her that Piper demands the story and that she has to distract Kate. Our feet hit the track. Dana leans to me, “How do you not eat the Vita? I could barely swallow it down, knowing that I’m drugging myself.”

I cut her off, “That’s not important. Piper talked to me last night. She wants the whole story.”

Dana rubs the inside of her elbow. “Great…do you think she’ll turn us in?”

“I don’t know. Do I tell her everything?”

“I guess if you have no choice, just…try to figure out how much you absolutely have to tell her, leave out anything that you can.”

I nod just as Piper falls into step with us. She raises a thin eyebrow to Dana and me. Dana nods tightly and falls behind to where Kate walks.

I sigh, “What do you want to know?”


“I…okay.” I take a deep breath, making sure there are no Officials nearby. “I forgot my MCC in my desk the night before the Gratitude Ceremony. Knowing I would be sent to the Unknown without it, I decided to risk it. I ran into…a boy.”

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