Chapter Fourteen

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How did she manage to become my P.O.? Did she choose? Was it just by chance? She knew what happened to Dana. ‘Only her’. Do Officials talk to one another when they aren’t working? Does news like that spread quickly? Was she the one who dragged Dana away?

Her face is emotionless like all the other Officials, her eyes almost as flat as the others. A strand of dark brown hair escapes her bun. Breaking dress code. I sit down on my stool for I.L.I., Intelligence Level Improvement.

Today is a group activity, to work on our social interactions and leadership skills. We sit in pairs of two. I’m with 988. Normally I would be paired with Dana, but she’s gone.

988 whispers her name to me. Sienna. Although there is no specified rule against it, I doubt we are supposed to know more than each other’s numbers. Names mean familiarity. How could I be familiar with someone who isn’t my roommate?

We have to work together to solve a mystery problem. I don’t pay attention to what the problem is about. I’m too dazed with my P.O. standing right behind me. Sienna does most of the work. She’s faster than I. Quicker at figuring out what the facts really mean. She doesn’t mention anything about the P.O. behind me. No one would dare to.

The rest of the day passes. I can’t focus on my Teachings with my P.O.’s stare on my back. Only one last event to endure. Free Hour.

I step on to the escalator, my P.O. directly behind me. One step down. Too close. Even a step below me and her head is still level with mine. She’s tall compared to most Officials. I consider taking another step up, just to get away, but we aren’t supposed to walk up the steps.

I shift slightly from foot to foot. We’re only halfway up. It will be another couple of minutes. A slight whisper reaches my ears. Less than a whisper so only I can hear. “527. My Official number.”

It’s my P.O.’s voice.

I don’t show any reaction on my face. There are always eyes watching, but my mind is spinning. Official 527. What else? It’s the most I’ve ever known about an Official. Why has she told me this? Do the other girls’ know their Renewal Officials’ numbers?

I don’t think so. Nobody has ever said anything to me. But, I’ve never said anything to anyone else.

We reach the top of the escalator. I step out of the track, my feet stumbling forward. Piper and Kate catch up to me walking at my side, my P.O. behind us.

Words beg to escape from my mouth, to talk to Piper about Dana’s disappearance.

I can’t. Not when my P.O. could hear. I still don’t know her reasoning for not sending me to the Unknown, after all the chances she’s had. I don’t’ know if that same reasoning would keep me safe if I started talking about Dana’s disappearance in the middle of Free Hour.

We can’t discuss it anyway. Not with Kate listening in, loyally searching for any acts of defiance. It’s going to be even more difficult to discuss things at Free Hour, even after my P.O. leaves at the end of three days. Without Dana to distract, Kate is always going to be walking with us.

We discuss today’s I.L.I. problem. I barely have anything to contribute since Sienna did most of the work. The time slowly passes away with my silence.


I’m paired with Sienna again in I.L.I. Teaching the next day. I smile slightly at her and her lips twitch in response. We’ll be paired together more often, now that Dana’s gone. I’ll never truly get to know Sienna, she’s not my roommate. We aren’t allowed to be friends.

            She bows her head, her braid falling over her shoulder. Light brown hair twists with darker brown, the further down the braid. They glow with pride when she solves a problem but quickly storm up when she has a difficulty.

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