Chapter Twelve

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My eyes flutter open to the Waking Bell. I mechanically crawl out of bed and head to Renewals. My mind feels stuffy, each thought struggling to form. When I reach my Renewals, my Official seems to stare at me longer than normal.

I undress and stumble into the shower. The hot water does nothing to clear my mind, the steam making the pressure grow. I quickly redress and my Renewal Official does my make-up. Her gaze fills with worry and slight anger as her eyes flits over my face.

I push it aside. I’m not thinking straight. That’s all. My paranoia is once again exaggerating the situation, turning nothing into little worries.

Her eyes bounce from my arm to my face. I glance down at my arm, trying to figure out what she’s looking at. It’s a miniscule bandage, blending in almost flawlessly with my skin. What is that from? Is it supposed to be there? What does it mean? Where could I have gotten it from?

She carefully peels it away. It sticks slightly to my skin, sending little pricks of pain as she lifts it up. Beneath is a tiny pinprick of red.

When did that happen?

She puts some type of ointment on it, smearing it in with her finger. It dries quickly and the red fades back into normal skin tone.

My Renewal Official continues finishing my make-up, no longer focusing on my face. What had her so worried earlier? Is it something I did?

Renewals and Morning Meal pass, and I head to the Lecture Hall for History Teaching, the fogginess still clinging to my brain.

Officials line the walls inside the Lecture Hall, more than normal. A couple minutes pass without anything happening

Ellen strolls in through the doors and totters up the stage. She leans a podium and says into the microphone. “It’s been an exciting four days. I’m ever so sad to be announcing the end of the Gratitude Ceremony. I can’t wait for next year when we get to do this all again.”

I release an inaudible sigh of relief. The stress of the Opening Speeches, the horrible surprise of her arrival in Teachings, the confusion of the Singing Ceremony, and…what happened yesterday?

Nothing happened yesterday for the Gratitude Ceremony. We had all our normal Teachings, our regular meals, Free Hour. What did I talk about with Piper, Dana, and Kate at Free Hour? Piper discovered us the night before, wouldn’t she talk to us about it?

Did Dana and I talk at all? Did Dana try to convince me to come meet Josh again? Tonight. It’s the first time Dana will be sneaking out by herself. Can she manage it? Will she get caught?

Dana, Piper, Kate, and I must have just had a normal conversation yesterday. I probably do remember it, but it was so repetitive that it doesn’t stand out. Why didn’t Piper ask us? Did she change her mind and decide she didn’t want to know?

“Today, to end of Gratitude Ceremony, we are having the Closing Speeches.” Terror stabs into before she continues, “However, I’ll be the only one presenting. This is my farewell to you, fifteen years, until next year.”

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