31. The Cruciatus Gang

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Feeling light as a feather, I returned to the Slytherin common room, where Pansy and her posse were waiting for me.

"My own welcoming committee, how lovely!" I said cheerfully.

"Go away, Ross, you don't belong in Slytherin and you know it," the ugly ringleader drawled.

"That's not for you to decide." I stepped in front of her, legs wide and hands in my middle. She mimicked my stance and had to raise her head up so she could look me in the eyes as I was a bit taller than her. My high heels helped too.

We continued our hateful staring competition from the previous day until Millicent, who stood next to Pansy, shoved me. I had not expected this and fell to the floor. Loud laughter erupted from Pansy and her friends. I noticed Astoria, who was sitting further back in the common room, turn her head away.

"Stop it, Bullstrode," Atticus Yaxley, the fifth-year Prefect said. "I will have none of that in our common room."

His words seemed to hit Millicent like thunder and she quickly sat down on the couch beside Daphne. Pansy gave me one last look before she returned to her friends. I was amazed at the power Atticus seemed to have over them.

"Thank you," I said to him.

"It's nothing personal. I do not tolerate fighting among our own," he said in a gravelling voice and I understood why Millicent jumped for him. His whole being - stern, tall, dark and slightly handsome - seemed to enforce authority on me like it was automatic.

As I watched him walk away - still in awe - Theodore came up to me.

"Ross, did you look into that thing we discussed the other day?" he whispered. Oh right! The diary!

"I did, Theo. There was indeed something that might be of interest," I said.

"It's Theodore. Or Nott. Never Theo, is that clear?" he said through clenched teeth. Jeez, what's his problem?

"Got it, Theo...dore." I couldn't help myself. Theo didn't seem to notice, though.

We walked up to the dorm and he waited outside while I fetched the diary. I turned the pages to an entry of November 11, 1979:


The Band got together again for yet another Muggle extermination spree. The look on their faces when Nott shot the Dark Mark into the air! It was so satisfying. This is what I live for; to see the fear in their eyes, knowing it is over. But it isn't over, yet. It was good practice for the newcomer to practice the cruciatus, though."

Most entries my Mum had written were very short, like this one. Also, it didn't mention if she'd meant Mr. or Mrs. Nott. Theo didn't care though, he grasped the diary from my hands and kept reading.

"Hey! That's personal! Give it back!" I shouted angrily. Theo had no intention of doing so, though.

"This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed as he devoured the words. I covered the pages with my hand and waited for him to look at me.

"Theodore, it's the only time she's mentioned," I said calmly. I just assumed it was his mother, as that was who he was looking for.

His mouth quivered slightly. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, Theodore. However, she seemed to be part of my Mum's Band. Not a musical band of course, but they were partners. My Mum was their leader. They did all sorts of stuff Volde...You-Know-Who asked them to do. That included killing Muggles, most of time, but you probably already guessed that..." I said. He nodded slightly and handed me back the diary.

"I'm glad to learn she did well. Thanks, Ross." Uhm...She did well?!

"That photo that you have of your mother...do you think it's a photo of their Band?" I asked.

Instantly, Theo had forgotten how disappointed he'd been and he dashed towards his dorm. I followed in his wake but when I tried to enter the room, I hit an invisible wall. No girls allowed, I suppose?

"I think you're right, Ross!" an excited voice yelled from the room. A moment later, Theodore walked out with a bright smile on his face, holding the old newspaper article. He pointed to a passage in the article:


Today the Department of Magical Law Enforcement captured one of the most feared Death Eaters. Maera Ross was the ringleader of a group of You-Know-Who's followers who murdered over a hundred Muggles and Muggle-born wizards and witches over the past few years. The group was widely known as the Cruciatus Gang, due to their fondness of this particular forbidden curse. Being one of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's most trusted servants, the Ministry feels relieved to finally send her and the other members of the Cruciatus Gang to be tried at the Wizengamot."

"My head spun from all the new words, but I guess what it came down to is that my hunch had been right. The photo on the front page showed the members of Mum's band. The Cruciatus Gang, whatever that meant.

"This is wonderful, Ross! Do you know what this means?" Theo's eyes seem to bulge out of his skull, and, to be honest, he scared me a bit. It means that our Mums were crazy killers? "It means that if the other people in the photo are still alive they might be able to tell us about our mothers!"

"Wait, didn't they all go to Azkaban?" I'm so confused right now.

"No, Ross, not all of them were sent there. Some, the cowards, repented. Said they'd been forced to work for the Dark Lord. They weren't sent to Azkaban but were released after their trial at the Wizengamot. Not our mothers, though. They were brave. You should be more proud of her, Ross. She was an example to many of the Dark Lord's followers." Theodore's fanaticism freaked me out.

"I will try to discover as much as I can about the rest of the Cruciatus Gang, see if there is anyone we can contact. I'd appreciate it if we kept this between us, though. No one else needs to know." Theodore looked at me inquisitively. Well, I can safely say that I will definitely NOT discuss this with anyone, Theo!

"I promise, Theodore," I said.

"Perfect. I will contact you again once I know more," he said before he disappeared again in his dorm. What a weirdo.

I have to admit that, although I thought Theo was a loony, I hoped he would find out something useful. I'd love to know more about my Mum, something positive would be nice, for a change.

The Cruciatus Gang, huh? I should probably find out what it means.

Evelyn Ross and the Prisoner of Azkaban [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now