Ch. 2

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Ch. 2

School started today and so I got to say goodbye to sleeping in. My alarm blared at me at 7:00 am and I let out a groan. I rose out of bed and walked to Zack's door. As I opened the door, I saw him face down in his pillow.

"Zack, get up, school today." Zack let out a similar groan as me.

"I don't want to go. It's stupid. Why can't it be summer all year long?" I let out a small chuckle.

"Because you are nine years old and need to learn." Zack let out another groan.

"Zack... don't make me turn the light on." He groaned again. I flashed the light on for 3 seconds then turned it off. He let out a yell as the light pierced his eyes.

"Seriously, Thorn?? You know I hate that!" I laughed maniacally.

"Then you should get up." I left his room and went to get ready for school.

After we both got ready, I made us some toast to take on the go and we set off on our walk to school. We both were never big breakfast eaters. Some mornings, I was lucky to get Zack to eat. As we approached his school, I handed him his lunch money and he walked into his school.

As I reached my school, I began to slow down my pace. I set my backpack on a table and said to myself, "Why am I here again?"

"To see us!" Someone shouted behind me. I turned around to see my friends walking up to the school. Standing together was Alice, Kyle and Magenta, who I always grouped together. I never really hung out with them individually. Alice was the blonde with blue-green eyes. I've never really been close to her and sometimes, she scared me, even though I knew she wouldn't do anything to me. Alice always wore lacey shirts and tight black skirts. Kyle was a laid back guy with black hair and blue eyes that almost looked grey. He has a great sense of humor and he is always wearing ripped jeans and a hoodie, even in the summer. Magenta always stood out to me because honestly, I never know what color her hair is going to be. She loved to dye her hair all these exotic colors but that's what I love about her. She is never afraid to express herself. She wore a lot of frilly skirts and high top converse.

"No, that can't be why I'm here," I said while laughing.

"You're right. It's not like we're your 'friends' or anything," Sam said in my ear as he walked up behind me.

Sam had brown hair with natural high-lights that was long enough to cover his eyes. His eyes were green and he was always wearing a metal band tee-shirt. I've always felt weird about Sam because he is the only one who knows my past. He's always been there to take care of me but I've never thought anything of it. So many people have asked me why me and Sam had not started dating but I couldn't even process the thought. The thought of being in a relationship with him was bizarre to me since every guy at school was afraid of me.

"Dude! Can you NOT do that? You know I hate that!" Sam started laughing.

"Sorry Thorn, couldn't resist. So what did you do all summer? You obviously didn't hang out with us."

"I listened to metal music and stayed in my room."

"Of course," Kyle said, rolling his eyes.

"When do you do anything else?" Alice replied as she laid up against a wall.

"Don't give her a hard time," said Sam. "You know she's got problems worse than ours."

"Yeah, we know," everyone replied. I sighed. Sam always made everyone sympathize with me and I always felt guilty.

"Don't worry. I've got your back," Sam said as he smothered me with a hug.

"Sam! You know I'm not a hug person!"

"Too bad," he said as he started holding me tighter. I struggled to get loose and decided to elbowed him in the stomach, which did the trick. He let me go and clutched his stomach.

"Ow, jeez you're violent."

"You asked for it."

"Oh my god. Will you two just start dating already! Jesus!" Magenta said out of nowhere.

We both stopped and looked at each other awkwardly. I quickly looked away and thought, 'Never going to happen.'

"Awkward!" Kyle said as the group got quiet.

The bell rang for class.

"Let's go people! Don't want to be late!" said Ms. T, the principal, hurrying people to class.

"Seriously? She's still here?! Great..." I said as I grabbed my bag off the table. "The bell literally rang three seconds ago."

"Come on." Sam said, laughing at me.

As a group, we all walked to class, each one of us parting at different classrooms. I reached my class when I realized Sam was still with me.

"Aren't you going to class?"

"This is my class," Sam replied. "You would've known that if you had attended maze days." I let out a sarcastic laugh. 'Great...' I thought as we walked into class. I sat down near the back of the room, knowing I wouldn't pay attention the first day anyway. The teacher hadn't arrived yet so everyone was socializing, talking about how great their summers were. Suddently my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of arrogance.

"Well, well, well. She lives and looks as horrifying as can be!" I turned around only to find the only guy I knew that was way too full of himself. 'Of all the desks, he decides to sit behind me.'

"What do you want, Troy?" I said, knowing I shouldn't have acknowledged him in the first place.

"I wanted to see how the little goth, Melissa, spent her lovely summer. Was it as dark and depressing as I think it was."

"You really need to know when to shut up. And you know I'm not goth." I opened a new clean notebook and began to doodle in the margin.

"You're right. I don't think you're even human." Troy started to get in my face, obnoxiously putting his head on my shoulder.

"Troy, unless you want me to rip your head off, I suggest you remove it from my shoulder."

"Oh, so scary!" He said with a laugh. He looked next to me and saw Sam.

"Oh, look. The goth couple still exists. How great! Two freaks together in love."

"Troy, shut up. You know we aren't dating,"

Sam ignored Troy's comment by listening to his ipod. The teacher finally came and class began. I sat in my own little world, ignoring the teacher. It was only the first day and I knew that nothing important was going to be said. Every teacher always started the first school day with the syllabus. The rest of my day went by quickly and I found out that I had two classes with Sam and one with Magenta.

Once the last bell rang, I walked to the courtyard where the gang always got together.

"Finally...the first day of school, DONE." I said, being the last to join the group.

"It wasn't that bad Thorn," Kyle said.

"In my head it was."

"Well, I'm out of here," Alice said as she walked away. She never said much.

"I'm going to the mall," Magenta said. I laughed slightly.

"Magenta, you practically live at the mall. I'm surprised you aren't bored of the place or shopped them dry." We all laughed.

"I'm going with her," Kyle said as he and Magenta grabbed their things. They walked off together and Sam and I were left alone.

"God, they always do that," I said after Magenta and Kyle were far enough away.

"Do what?" Sam replied.

"Leave us alone together."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No..." 'Yes.' I thought in my head.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"


 We left school and walked home together. 

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