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Geonhak winces as the sunlight hits his eyes through the window. He sits up in bed and stretches. He checks the clock on his phone and sees that it's just after 10:00. Underneath the time is a missed call and a text from his hyung, Youngjo.

From Kim Youngjo:
Please call me back, it's an emergency.

"Shit!" The message is from 8:30, Youngjo's probably freaking out right right about now. "I've got to call him back." Geonhak makes to leave, but is stopped by something holding his leg. He looks down to see that Dongju's tail is wrapped around his thigh and holding him in place. He shakes his head and goes to carefully unravel Dongju's tail from his leg. Dongju stirs momentarily, but doesn't wake. "Thank god. Now I've got to call Youngjo back." He gets up and trudges his way into the kitchen. He starts to prepare a cup of coffee while he dials Youngjo back.

"Why didn't you pick up?"

"I know, I'm sorry, I was asleep."

"Just because you work the night shift doesn't mean you can get up so late. What were you doing last night anyway?"

"You have no idea."

Youngjo sighs on the other side of the line quite audibly, "Well, I need you to come in at lunch. Seoho can't work today and I'm already working that shift. Hwanwoong can fill in for your night shift if you want, he's not needed at the studio tonight."

Geonhak looks towards his bedroom and back at the coffee machine, "I'm not sure I can-"

"Please, Geonhakie! Help hyung out, please!" Geonhak can practically see the pout that Youngjo is pulling right now.

"Fine, but I'm going to have to bring a few friends along."

"Really? Why?"

"Uh, they're staying with me for a bit..."

"Ooh...did Geonhakie get himself a girlfriend? Or maybe a boyfriend?"

"Shut up, it's not like that. They're just some friends that needed a place to stay."

"Oh alright, I'll stop teasing you, but only cause you're helping me out. I'll see you later, ok? Don't forget!"

"I won't, bye!"

"Bye. I love you!"


Another pout, "Say it back."


"Geonhakie? Who's your boss who can fire you in a second and send you back to working at your aunt's restaurant in Busan?"


"Yes and that boss is also your amazing hyung who works really hard to ensure you're happy and healthy and who loves you very much."

Geonhak rolls his eyes, "Love you too."

"Thank you. See you soon." He can hear a small kiss through the phone before the line goes dead.

"Oh hyung," he puts his phone down and finishes making his cup of coffee. He turns to go to the couch and spots Dongju and Dongmyeong sitting there. Dongju is glaring at him while Dongmyeong is half-asleep on Dongju's shoulder.

"Who was that?" Dongju asks with a slight stab in his voice. It feels like a punch in the gut, though Geonhak has done nothing to deserve it.

"Just my hyung. He's the one who owns the bookstore I work at. He asked if I could come in and cover the lunch shift."

Dongmyeong sits up and finally opens his eyes, "Really? Do we get to go?"

"If you want to, there's not much to do but read there though."

Dongmyeong turns to Dongju, "Can we go? Please?" Dongmyeong pulls a pout that easily crumbles Dongju's stern look.

"Alright, fine."

Dongmyeong jolts up in excitement, "Yay!"

"Do you want any coffee? Or breakfast?"

"Sure I'll take some."

"Dongju? You want any?" He shakes his head without a word. "Suit yourself."

"He's giving me the silent treatment, but why? I haven't done anything."

Geonhak pushes the thought away and focuses on preparing another cup of coffee. He pours the coffee into another mug and adds some sugar and creamer. Dongmyeong doesn't seem like the type to drink black coffee. Geonhak takes his mug-black coffee-and Dongmyeong's cup to the couch. He hands it to Dongmyeong, "Here. I added some creamer and sugar, but I can make another if you don't like it."

Dongmyeong takes the cup, blows on the steam that comes off the top, and takes a sip. He smiles contently and his tail wags cutely, "It's really good, hyung! Thanks~"

Geonhak smiles proudly and takes a sip of his own coffee. He prides himself in making good coffee, mostly because he's been making at least one a day since high school. He notices Dongju eyeing Dongmyeong's mug, "Are you sure you don't want some, Dongju-ah?"

He looks up at Geonhak, looks away and spits out, "No thanks."

Geonhak shrugs, "Suit yourself, kitten." He barely notices the nickname slip out.

If Geonhak was watching, he would've noticed the blush that crept up Dongju's face when he heard the pet name.

Once they all finish their coffee-half of Dongmyeong's went to Dongju-Geonhak offers the twins his shower and points out how each knob works. Left for hot, right for cold, and middle for water pressure. He also leaves them towels and fresh clothes to change into.

By 11:30, everyone's fed, cleaned, and dressed to go to the bookstore. The twins are dressed in matching outfits: black pants, black canvas sneakers, and colored t-shirts. Dongju's is purple and Dongmyeong's is yellow, both oversized since they were Youngjo's and Geonhak's to wear for a team event years back. They both have rather wide shoulders, so the tees had to be larger to accommodate them. Now they look like they're swallowing the twins with their narrow shoulders. At least it easily hides their tails, which they've wrapped around their waists. Now all that's left is to hide their ears...

"There!" Geonhak finishes their outfits by popping caps on their heads. "Let's go!"

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